fluid library


A flow that combines different streams. See the CombinedFlow.combineTwo static methods from helper functions that provides type safety
A flow that only emits values that are not considered equal using the == operator.
Flows are synchronous streams of data. They are named Flows as they are mostly used in Fluids (but this is not a requirement) and lets the fluid data flow down into the view. Flows always has a value.
A widget that rebuilds when the flow emits new values
Base fluid class
FluidBuilder<T extends Fluid>
A build widget for creating and providing a Fluid to child widgets
A fluid container is a map of dependencies that can be resolved by a FluidFactory. a simple type-based container is provided with SimpleFluidContainer.
FluidFactory<T extends Fluid>
Fluid factories are responsible for creating fluids. They are the glue between arguments and the logic to create them.
Inherited widget that holds the FluidContainer configured and the logic for using fluid factories
MappingFlow<T, T2>
A flow that will map a value from one type to another type
Holds a reference to dependencies in a map and allows fetching them with their type. As type is the only qualifier it does not support multiple instances of the same type.
A ValueFlow is a Flow that holds a value that can be updated with the emit method.


FlowExtensions on Flow<T>
StreamExtension on Stream<T>


Combiner<T> = T Function(List<Flow> items)
FlowMapper<T, T2> = T2 Function(T value)
A function used to map from one flow to another
FlowWidgetBuilder<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, T value)
FluidChildBuilder<T extends Fluid> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, T fluid)
The build function for child widgets of a FluidBuilder