transaction<T> method

  1. @override
Future<T?> transaction<T>(
  1. FutureOr<T> f(
    1. QueryExecutor

Enters a database transaction, performing the actions within, and returning the results of f.

If f fails, the transaction will be rolled back, and the responsible exception will be re-thrown.

Whether nested transactions are supported depends on the underlying driver.


Future<T?> transaction<T>(FutureOr<T> Function(QueryExecutor) f) async {
  if (connection is! PostgreSQLConnection) return f(this);
  //print('PostgreSqlExecutor transaction');
  var conn = connection as PostgreSQLConnection;
  T? returnValue;

  var txResult = await conn.transaction((ctx) async {
    //print('PostgreSqlExecutor entering transaction');
    try {
      logger?.fine('Entering transaction');
      var tx =
          PostgreSqlExecutor(connectionInfo, logger: logger, connection: ctx);
      returnValue = await f(tx);
      //  print('PostgreSqlExecutor end transaction');
    } catch (e) {
      // print('PostgreSqlExecutor catch transaction');
      ctx.cancelTransaction(reason: e.toString());
    } finally {
      logger?.fine('Exiting transaction');
      // print('PostgreSqlExecutor Exiting transactionn');

  if (txResult is PostgreSQLRollback) {
    /*if (txResult.reason == null) {
      throw StateError('The transaction was cancelled.');
    } else {*/
    throw StateError(
        'The transaction was cancelled with reason "${txResult.reason}".');
  } else {
    return returnValue;