enqueueWorkIntent function

Future<bool> enqueueWorkIntent(
  1. WorkIntent intent

Enqueues a intent to work in the background.

You can specify input data and constraints like network or battery status to the background work via the WorkIntent.


  identifier: 'task1',
  initialDelay: Duration(seconds: 59),
  constraints: WorkConstraints(
    networkType: NetworkType.connected,
    batteryNotLow: true,
  input: <String, dynamic>{
    'counter': counter,

For the iOS platform, all identifiers must be registered in the Info.plist file, please see the integration guide for more details.

The identifier will always be prepended to the tags properties, which you can retrieve from the WorkPayload when handling the work later.


Future<bool> enqueueWorkIntent(WorkIntent intent) => impl.enqueueWorkIntent(intent);