logError method

  1. @override
void logError(
  1. dynamic exception, [
  2. dynamic stacktrace

Use logError, in a similar fashion to logFatal, should be used to capture a situation that cannot be fixed and requires a special level of attention. However, in this case you can use this method to capture an exception and a stacktrace, in case your irreparable situation represents a crash in your code.


void logError(exception, [stacktrace]) {
  final data = _baseData;
  data['level'] = 'ERROR';
  data['message'] = exception?.toString() ?? 'Error';
  data['exception'] = <String, dynamic>{
    'data': <String, dynamic>{
      'stacktrace': (stacktrace as StackTrace).toString(),
  data['event'] = <String, dynamic>{
    'created': DateTime.now().toIso8601String(),
    'type': 'exception',