splitAtCharacterIndex method

List<InlineSpan> splitAtCharacterIndex(
  1. int index, {
  2. bool ignoreFloatedWidgetSpans = false,

Splits this span at the given character index and returns a list of one or two spans. If index is zero, or if index is greater than the number of characters in this span, a list containing just this span is returned. If this span was split, a list of two spans is returned, containing the two new spans.


List<InlineSpan> splitAtCharacterIndex(
  int index, {
  bool ignoreFloatedWidgetSpans = false,
}) =>
    this is SplittableMixin<InlineSpan>
        ? (this as SplittableMixin<InlineSpan>).splitAt(index,
            ignoreFloatedWidgetSpans: ignoreFloatedWidgetSpans)
        : defaultSplitSpanAtIndex(SplitAtIndex(index),
            ignoreFloatedWidgetSpans: ignoreFloatedWidgetSpans,
            copyWithTextSpan: (span, text, children) => span.copyWith(
                text: text,
                children: children,
                noText: text == null,
                noChildren: children == null));