IterableSetExtension<T> extension

Set extensions for Iterable



distinct List<T>
Returns new list of objects in which each object can occur only once
no setter


difference(List<T> other) List<T>
Returns a new list with the elements of this that are not in other.
differenceWhere(List<T> other, bool test(T element)) List<T>
Returns a new list with the elements of filtered this by test that are not in other.
distinctWhere(bool test(T element)) List<T>
Returns new list of objects filtered by test predicate in which each object can occur only once
intersection(List<T> other) List<T>
Returns a new list which is the intersection between this list and other.
intersectionWhere(List<T> other, bool test(T element)) List<T>
Returns a new list which is the intersection between filtered this list by test predicate and other.
union(List<T> other) List<T>
Returns a new list which contains all the elements of this list and other.
unionWhere(List<T> other, bool test(T element)) List<T>
Returns a new list which contains all the elements of filtered this list by test and other.