
FlexibleWrap is a Flutter package designed to provide a flexible and customizable way to arrange widgets in a wrap layout. It allows developers to create dynamic layouts where widgets can wrap onto the next line based on available space, similar to how items behave in a shopping cart or a list of cards.




  • Customizable Layout: Easily customize the layout of your widgets with various parameters such as direction, alignment, spacing, and more.
  • Dynamic Wrapping: Automatically wraps widgets onto the next line based on the available space, ensuring optimal use of screen real estate.
  • Responsive Design: Supports both horizontal and vertical directions, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
  • Flexible Spacing: Adjusts spacing between items and runs to achieve the desired visual appearance.

Getting Started

To get started with FlexibleWrap, add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  flexible_wrap: ^latest_version

Replace ^latest_version with the current version of the package.

Then, import it in your Dart file:

import 'package:flexible_wrap/flexible_wrap.dart';


Here's a basic example of how to use FlexibleWrap:

  length: 10, // Number of children to display
  builder: (int index, double itemExtraWidth) {
    return Container(
      color: Colors.blue,
      width: 100.0 + itemExtraWidth, // Adjust width based on extra width
      child: Text('Item $index'),
  itemWidth: 100.0, // Width of each item
  direction: Axis.horizontal, // Direction to arrange the children
  alignment: WrapAlignment.start, // Alignment of children within a run
  spacing: 8.0, // Spacing between children in the main axis


FlexibleWrap offers several customization options to tailor the layout to your needs:

  • Direction: Specify whether the children should be arranged horizontally (Axis.horizontal) or vertically (Axis.vertical).
  • Alignment: Set how the children within a run should be placed along the main axis (WrapAlignment.start, end, center, etc.).
  • Spacing: Define the amount of spacing between the children in the main axis.
  • Run Alignment: Determine how the runs themselves should be placed in the cross axis (WrapAlignment.start, end, center, etc.).
  • Cross Axis Alignment: Align the children within a run relative to each other in the cross axis (WrapCrossAlignment.start, end, center, etc.).


Contributions to FlexibleWrap are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests or open issues for bugs and feature requests.


FlexibleWrap is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

