fromList static method

TonalPalette fromList(
  1. List<int> colors

Create colors from a fixed-size list of ARGB color ints.

Inverse of TonalPalette.asList.


static TonalPalette fromList(List<int> colors) {
  assert(colors.length == commonSize,
      'colors length must be equal to commonSize');
  final Map<int, int> cache = <int, int>{};
      (int index, int toneValue) => cache[toneValue] = colors[index]);

  // Approximately deduces the original hue and chroma that generated this
  // list of colors.
  // Uses the hue and chroma of the provided color with the highest chroma.
  double bestHue = 0.0;
  double bestChroma = 0.0;
  for (final int argb in colors) {
    final Hct hct = Hct.fromInt(argb);

    // If the color is too close to white, its chroma may have been
    // affected by a known issue, so we ignore it.
    if (hct.tone > 98.0) continue;

    if (hct.chroma > bestChroma) {
      bestHue = hct.hue;
      bestChroma = hct.chroma;
  return TonalPalette._fromCache(cache, bestHue, bestChroma);