flex_seed_scheme library

A more flexible version of Flutter's ColorScheme.fromSeed, use multiple seed colors, custom chroma and tone mapping.


Functions for blending in HCT and CAM16.
CAM16, a color appearance model. Colors are not just defined by their hex code, but rather, a hex code and viewing conditions.
An intermediate concept between the key color for a UI theme, and a full color scheme. 5 tonal palettes are generated, all except one use the same hue as the key color, and all vary in chroma.
A color that adjusts itself based on UI state provided by DynamicScheme.
Constructed by a set of values representing the current UI state (such as whether or not its dark theme, what the theme style is, etc.), and provides a set of TonalPalettes that can create colors that fit in with the theme style. Used by DynamicColor to resolve into a color.
An intermediate concept between the key color for a UI theme, and a full color scheme. Five tonal palettes are generated, plus a default error palette if not provided.
A convenience class for retrieving colors that are constant in hue and chroma, but vary in tone.
Configuration data class that defines which tone to use from each FlexTonalPalette when assigning used color to each ColorScheme color.
HCT, hue, chroma, and tone. A color system that provides a perceptually accurate color measurement system that can also accurately render what colors will appear as in different lighting environments.
Tokens, or named colors, in the Material Design system.
This class is the same concept as Flutter's ColorScheme class.
A convenience class for retrieving colors that are constant in hue and chroma, but vary in tone.
In traditional color spaces, a color can be identified solely by the observer's measurement of the color. Color appearance models such as CAM16 also use information about the environment where the color was observed, known as the viewing conditions.


Enum used to select tones included in produced FlexTonalPalette.
Enum used to return and describe properties of the FlexSchemeVariant variants to invoke different color scheme generation algorithms in SeedColorScheme.fromSeeds, when passed to its FlexSchemeVariant property variant.


FlexColorSeedColorExtensions on Color
Library private extensions on Color.
SeedColorScheme on ColorScheme
Extension on ColorScheme to provide a more flexible alternative to Flutter's Material 3 ColorScheme.fromSeed.