ViewingConditions.make constructor
Convenience constructor for ViewingConditions.
Parameters affecting color appearance include:
: coordinates of white in XYZ color space.
: light strength, in lux.
: average luminance of 10 degrees around color.
: brightness of the entire environment.
: whether eyes have adjusted to lighting.
// ignore: sort_constructors_first
factory ViewingConditions.make(
{List<double>? whitePoint,
double adaptingLuminance = -1.0,
double backgroundLstar = 50.0,
double surround = 2.0,
bool discountingIlluminant = false}) {
whitePoint ??= ColorUtils.whitePointD65();
adaptingLuminance = (adaptingLuminance > 0.0)
? adaptingLuminance
: (200.0 / math.pi * ColorUtils.yFromLstar(50.0) / 100.0);
// A background of pure black is non-physical and leads to infinities that
// represent the idea that any color viewed in pure black can't be seen.
backgroundLstar = math.max(0.1, backgroundLstar);
// Transform test illuminant white in XYZ to 'cone'/'rgb' responses
final List<double> xyz = whitePoint;
final double rW =
xyz[0] * 0.401288 + xyz[1] * 0.650173 + xyz[2] * -0.051461;
final double gW =
xyz[0] * -0.250268 + xyz[1] * 1.204414 + xyz[2] * 0.045854;
final double bW =
xyz[0] * -0.002079 + xyz[1] * 0.048952 + xyz[2] * 0.953127;
// Scale input surround, domain (0, 2), to CAM16 surround, domain (0.8, 1.0)
assert(surround >= 0.0 && surround <= 2.0, 'Surround must be in range 0-2');
final double f = 0.8 + (surround / 10.0);
// "Exponential non-linearity"
final double c = (f >= 0.9)
? MathUtils.lerp(0.59, 0.69, (f - 0.9) * 10.0)
: MathUtils.lerp(0.525, 0.59, (f - 0.8) * 10.0);
// Calculate degree of adaptation to illuminant
double d = discountingIlluminant
? 1.0
: f *
(1.0 -
((1.0 / 3.6) * math.exp((-adaptingLuminance - 42.0) / 92.0)));
// Per Li et al, if D is greater than 1 or less than 0, set it to 1 or 0.
d = (d > 1.0)
? 1.0
: (d < 0.0)
? 0.0
: d;
// chromatic induction factor
final double nc = f;
// Cone responses to the whitePoint, r/g/b/W, adjusted for discounting.
// Why use 100.0 instead of the white point's relative luminance?
// Some papers and implementations, for both CAM02 and CAM16, use the Y
// value of the reference white instead of 100. Fairchild's Color Appearance
// Models (3rd edition) notes that this is in error: it was included in the
// CIE 2004a report on CIECAM02, but, later parts of the conversion process
// account for scaling of appearance relative to the white point relative
// luminance. This part should simply use 100 as luminance.
final List<double> rgbD = <double>[
d * (100.0 / rW) + 1.0 - d,
d * (100.0 / gW) + 1.0 - d,
d * (100.0 / bW) + 1.0 - d,
// Factor used in calculating meaningful factors
final double k = 1.0 / (5.0 * adaptingLuminance + 1.0);
final double k4 = k * k * k * k;
final double k4F = 1.0 - k4;
// Luminance-level adaptation factor
final double fl = (k4 * adaptingLuminance) +
(0.1 * k4F * k4F * math.pow(5.0 * adaptingLuminance, 1.0 / 3.0));
// Intermediate factor, ratio of background relative luminance to white
// relative luminance
final double n = ColorUtils.yFromLstar(backgroundLstar) / whitePoint[1];
// Base exponential none linearity
// note Schlomer 2018 has a typo and uses 1.58, the correct factor is 1.48
final double z = 1.48 + math.sqrt(n);
// Luminance-level induction factors
final double nbb = 0.725 / math.pow(n, 0.2);
final double ncb = nbb;
// Discounted cone responses to the white point, adjusted for
// post-saturationtic adaptation perceptual none linearity.
final List<num> rgbAFactors = <num>[
math.pow(fl * rgbD[0] * rW / 100.0, 0.42),
math.pow(fl * rgbD[1] * gW / 100.0, 0.42),
math.pow(fl * rgbD[2] * bW / 100.0, 0.42)
final List<double> rgbA = <double>[
(400.0 * rgbAFactors[0]) / (rgbAFactors[0] + 27.13),
(400.0 * rgbAFactors[1]) / (rgbAFactors[1] + 27.13),
(400.0 * rgbAFactors[2]) / (rgbAFactors[2] + 27.13),
final double aw = (40.0 * rgbA[0] + 20.0 * rgbA[1] + rgbA[2]) / 20.0 * nbb;
return ViewingConditions(
whitePoint: whitePoint,
adaptingLuminance: adaptingLuminance,
backgroundLstar: backgroundLstar,
surround: surround,
discountingIlluminant: discountingIlluminant,
backgroundYTowhitePointY: n,
aw: aw,
nbb: nbb,
ncb: ncb,
c: c,
nC: nc,
drgbInverse: <double>[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
rgbD: rgbD,
fl: fl,
fLRoot: math.pow(fl, 0.25).toDouble(),
z: z,