FlexTones.vivid constructor

  1. Brightness brightness

Creates a tonal palette extraction setup that results in M3 like ColorsSchemes with more vivid colors.

Primary tone is one tone darker than in Material 3 standard setup in light mode. As in M3 default, primary uses its own chroma, but with a minimum value of 50. Secondary and tertiary key colors use their own chroma with no min limits, making the secondary and tertiary mid tones closer to their used key colors.


factory FlexTones.vivid(Brightness brightness) =>
    brightness == Brightness.light
        ? const FlexTones.light(
            primaryTone: 30,
            surfaceTintTone: 30,
            surfaceTone: 98,
            primaryMinChroma: 50,
        : const FlexTones.dark(
            onPrimaryTone: 10,
            primaryContainerTone: 20,
            primaryMinChroma: 50,