popupMenuTheme static method

PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme({
  1. ColorScheme? colorScheme,
  2. SchemeColor? backgroundSchemeColor,
  3. SchemeColor? foregroundSchemeColor,
  4. Color? color,
  5. TextStyle? textStyle,
  6. double? radius,
  7. double? elevation,
  8. Color? surfaceTintColor,

An opinionated PopupMenuThemeData with custom corner radius.

When used by FlexColorScheme the corner radius of popup menus follows the global FlexSubThemeData.defaultRadius if defined, until and including 10 dp. After which it stays at 10 dp. If you need a higher corner radius on popup menus than 10 dp, with FlexColorScheme you will have to explicitly override FlexSubThemeData.popupMenuRadius.

It will not look very good when it is over 10dp. The highlight inside the menu will start to overflow the corners and is not clipped along the border radius. The underlying Widget is not designed with this high border rounding in mind. This makes sense since it does not look good with too much rounding on a small menu.

The built-in behavior in FlexColorScheme allows it to match at low inherited radius values from FlexSubThemeData.defaultRadius but to also stay below the usable max rounding automatically at higher global border radius values.


static PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme({
  /// Typically the same [ColorScheme] that is also used for your [ThemeData].
  final ColorScheme? colorScheme,

  /// Defines which [Theme] based [ColorScheme] based color is use as
  /// background color by [PopupMenuButton].
  /// Any passed in background color via the [color] property
  /// will override this [backgroundSchemeColor] value.
  /// If not defined, and [color] is undefined, then it defaults via Flutter
  /// SDK defaults to:
  /// - [useMaterial3] = false : default theme.cardColor.
  /// - [useMaterial3] = true  : default theme.colorScheme.surfaceContainer.
  /// Usually they are the same.
  final SchemeColor? backgroundSchemeColor,

  /// Defines which [Theme] based [ColorScheme] based color is use as
  /// foreground color by [PopupMenuButton].
  /// If not defined and [backgroundSchemeColor] is, then it will default to
  /// the schemeColorPair for the [backgroundSchemeColor]. If
  /// [backgroundSchemeColor] is also null, then it defaults to Flutter SDK
  /// default foreground color [ColorScheme.onSurface].
  final SchemeColor? foregroundSchemeColor,

  /// The background color of [PopupMenuButton].
  /// If not defined, and [backgroundSchemeColor] is undefined, then it
  /// defaults via Flutter SDK defaults to:
  /// - [useMaterial3] = false : defaults theme.cardColor.
  /// - [useMaterial3] = true  : defaults theme.colorScheme.surfaceContainer.
  /// Usually they are the same.
  final Color? color,

  /// The TextStyle of the selectable items on the [PopupMenuButton].
  /// The default is [textTheme.labelLarge], via Flutter SDK defaults.
  final TextStyle? textStyle,

  /// Popup menu corner radius.
  /// If not defined, defaults to 4 via Flutter SDK defaults.
  final double? radius,

  /// The elevation of the [PopupMenuButton].
  /// If not defined, then if [useMaterial3] is:
  /// - false : defaults to 8 dp
  /// - true  : defaults to 3 dp.
  /// via Flutter SDK widget default values.
  /// FCS will pass in [kPopupMenuM3Elevation] (3), if Material3 is true
  /// and [kPopupMenuM2Elevation] (6), if it is false.
  final double? elevation,

  /// The color used as an alpha overlay tint color on the effective
  /// [PopupMenuButton] background color.
  final Color? surfaceTintColor,
}) {
  // Get selected background color, defaults to surface in M3 if not defined
  // and to theme.cardColor in M2, typically they are the same.
  final Color? backgroundColor = color ??
      (colorScheme != null && backgroundSchemeColor != null
          ? schemeColor(backgroundSchemeColor, colorScheme)
          : null);
  final Color? onBackgroundColor = colorScheme != null &&
          backgroundSchemeColor != null
      ? schemeColorPair(backgroundSchemeColor, colorScheme)
      : color != null
          ? ThemeData.estimateBrightnessForColor(color) == Brightness.light
              ? Colors.black
              : Colors.white
          : null;

  final Color? foregroundColor =
      colorScheme != null && foregroundSchemeColor != null
          ? schemeColor(foregroundSchemeColor, colorScheme)
          : onBackgroundColor;

  final bool inputsNull =
      color == null && backgroundColor == null && foregroundColor == null;

  final TextStyle? effectiveTextStyle =
      inputsNull ? null : textStyle ?? const TextStyle();

  return PopupMenuThemeData(
    elevation: elevation,
    color: backgroundColor,
    surfaceTintColor: surfaceTintColor,
    textStyle: effectiveTextStyle?.apply(color: foregroundColor),
    labelTextStyle: effectiveTextStyle != null
        ? WidgetStateProperty.resolveWith((Set<WidgetState> states) {
            if (states.contains(WidgetState.disabled)) {
              return effectiveTextStyle.apply(
                  color: foregroundColor?.withAlpha(kAlphaDisabled));
            return effectiveTextStyle.apply(color: foregroundColor);
        : null,
    shape: radius != null
        ? RoundedRectangleBorder(
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
        : null,