bottomSheetTheme static method
An opinionated BottomSheetThemeData with custom top corner radius.
Corner radius
defaults to kBottomSheetBorderRadius
= 28,
to kBottomSheetElevation
= 4 and modalElevation
= 8.
static BottomSheetThemeData bottomSheetTheme({
/// Default value for [BottomSheet.backgroundColor].
/// If null, defaults to Flutter's default, which is theme canvas color in
/// M2 mode and surfaceContainerLow in M3 mode.
final Color? backgroundColor,
/// Value for [BottomSheet.backgroundColor] when the Bottom sheet is
/// presented as a modal bottom sheet.
/// If null, defaults to Flutter's default, which is theme canvas color in
/// M2 mode and surfaceContainerLow in M3 mode.
final Color? modalBackgroundColor,
/// The none modal bottom sheet elevation.
/// If null, defaults to [kBottomSheetElevation] = 1.
final double? elevation,
/// The modal bottom sheet elevation.
/// If null, defaults to [kBottomSheetModalElevation] = 2.
final double? modalElevation,
/// The corner radius of the top corners.
/// If not defined, defaults to [kBottomSheetBorderRadius] 28p.
/// Follows Material M3 guide as default value.
final double? radius,
/// The clipBehavior of the bottom sheet theme, defaults to
/// [Clip.antiAlias] for smoother clipping when using rounded corners.
/// This property is not available in [FlexSubThemeData] but you can use
/// it if you otherwise use this as theme helper.
final Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias,
/// Constrains the size of the [BottomSheet].
/// If null, the bottom sheet's size will be unconstrained.
final BoxConstraints? constraints,
/// Overrides the default value of [BottomSheet.shadowColor].
final Color? shadowColor,
/// Overrides the default value for surfaceTintColor.
/// See [Material.surfaceTintColor] for more details.
final Color? surfaceTintColor,
}) =>
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
modalBackgroundColor: modalBackgroundColor,
elevation: elevation ?? kBottomSheetElevation,
modalElevation: modalElevation ?? kBottomSheetModalElevation,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(
topLeft: Radius.circular(radius ?? kBottomSheetBorderRadius),
topRight: Radius.circular(radius ?? kBottomSheetBorderRadius),
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
constraints: constraints,
shadowColor: shadowColor,
surfaceTintColor: surfaceTintColor,