copyWith method
Copy the object with one or more provided properties changed.
FlexAdaptive copyWith({
bool? android,
bool? androidWeb,
bool? fuchsia,
bool? fuchsiaWeb,
bool? iOS,
bool? iOSWeb,
bool? linux,
bool? linuxWeb,
bool? macOS,
bool? macOSWeb,
bool? windows,
bool? windowsWeb,
bool? overrideIsWeb,
}) {
return FlexAdaptive(
android: android ??,
androidWeb: androidWeb ?? this.androidWeb,
fuchsia: fuchsia ?? this.fuchsia,
fuchsiaWeb: fuchsiaWeb ?? this.fuchsiaWeb,
iOS: iOS ?? this.iOS,
iOSWeb: iOSWeb ?? this.iOSWeb,
linux: linux ?? this.linux,
linuxWeb: linuxWeb ?? this.linuxWeb,
macOS: macOS ?? this.macOS,
macOSWeb: macOSWeb ?? this.macOSWeb,
windows: windows ??,
windowsWeb: windowsWeb ?? this.windowsWeb,
overrideIsWeb: overrideIsWeb ?? this.overrideIsWeb,