visualDensity property

VisualDensity? visualDensity

The density value for specifying the compactness of various UI components.

Consider using FlexColorScheme.comfortablePlatformDensity, it is similar to VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity, but the density for desktop and Web is less dense in order to offer a bit larger touch friendly surfaces, but not quite as large as small touch devices.

This is the same property as in ThemeData factory, it is just passed along to it. Included for convenience to avoid a copyWith if to change it.

Density, in the context of a UI, is the vertical and horizontal "compactness" of the elements in the UI. It is unit less, since it means different things to different UI elements. For buttons, it affects the spacing around the centered label of the button. For lists, it affects the distance between baselines of entries in the list.

Typically, density values are integral, but any value in range may be used. The range includes values from VisualDensity.minimumDensity (which is -4), to VisualDensity.maximumDensity (which is 4), inclusive, where negative values indicate a denser, more compact, UI, and positive values indicate a less dense, more expanded, UI. If a component doesn't support the value given, it will clamp to the nearest supported value.

The default for visual densities is zero for both vertical and horizontal densities, which corresponds to the default visual density of components in the Material Design specification.

As a rule of thumb, a change of 1 or -1 in density corresponds to 4 logical pixels. However, this is not a strict relationship since components interpret the density values appropriately for their needs.

A larger value translates to a spacing increase (less dense), and a smaller value translates to a spacing decrease (more dense).

Defaults to VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity.


final VisualDensity? visualDensity;