FlexColorScheme.dark constructor

  1. FlexSchemeColor? colors,
  2. FlexScheme? scheme,
  3. ColorScheme? colorScheme,
  4. int usedColors = 4,
  5. @Deprecated('Deprecated in v4.2.0, use surfaceMode and blendLevel instead.') FlexSurface surfaceStyle = FlexSurface.material,
  6. FlexSurfaceMode? surfaceMode,
  7. int blendLevel = 0,
  8. FlexAppBarStyle appBarStyle = FlexAppBarStyle.material,
  9. double appBarOpacity = 1,
  10. double appBarElevation = 0,
  11. double? bottomAppBarElevation,
  12. FlexTabBarStyle tabBarStyle = FlexTabBarStyle.forAppBar,
  13. Color? primary,
  14. Color? primaryVariant,
  15. Color? secondary,
  16. Color? secondaryVariant,
  17. Color? error,
  18. Color? surface,
  19. Color? background,
  20. Color? scaffoldBackground,
  21. Color? dialogBackground,
  22. Color? appBarBackground,
  23. Color? onPrimary,
  24. Color? onSecondary,
  25. Color? onSurface,
  26. Color? onBackground,
  27. Color? onError,
  28. bool darkIsTrueBlack = false,
  29. bool swapColors = false,
  30. bool tooltipsMatchBackground = false,
  31. bool transparentStatusBar = true,
  32. VisualDensity? visualDensity,
  33. TextTheme? textTheme,
  34. TextTheme? primaryTextTheme,
  35. String? fontFamily,
  36. TargetPlatform? platform,
  37. Typography? typography,
  38. bool applyElevationOverlayColor = true,
  39. bool useSubThemes = false,
  40. FlexSubThemesData? subThemesData,

Creates a FlexColorScheme for dark theme mode.

The factory has no required FlexSchemeColor properties, but typically a FlexScheme enum scheme value would be provided to use a pre-defined color scheme.

As a second alternative the FlexSchemeColor class colors property can be used to define custom scheme colors, that can be created with just one color property by using the factory FlexSchemeColor.from.

As a third option you can provide a complete ColorScheme in colorScheme and the custom colors for the theme will be based on that scheme. Since this is the light theme factory the brightness value in used colorScheme is ignored and resulting effective theme and color scheme will always be light. Make sure you use colors in your color scheme that are actually colors for a light theme.

The factory can produce blended surface colors, and also has other parameters that may impact the effective color scheme used by final theme, even when a colorScheme are provided. The FlexColorScheme.toScheme will give you the effective color scheme that will also be used when producing ThemeData from FlexColorScheme and its factories with FlexColorScheme.toTheme.

The factory contains a large number of other properties that can be used to create beautiful themes by just adjusting a few behavior properties.


factory FlexColorScheme.dark({
  /// The [FlexSchemeColor] used to create the dark [FlexColorScheme] from.
  /// You can use predefined [FlexSchemeColor] values from [FlexColor] or
  /// [FlexColor.schemes] map or define your own colors with
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] or [FlexSchemeColor.from].
  /// For using built-in color schemes, the convenience shortcut to select
  /// it with the [scheme] property is recommended and leaving [colors]
  /// undefined. If both are specified the scheme colors defined by [colors]
  /// are used. If both are null then [scheme] defaults to
  /// [FlexScheme.material], thus defining the resulting scheme.
  final FlexSchemeColor? colors,

  /// Use one of the built-in color schemes defined by enum [FlexScheme].
  /// Give it one of the enum values to use the scheme, like eg.
  /// [FlexScheme.mandyRed].
  /// To create custom color schemes use the [colors] property. If both
  /// [colors] and [scheme] are specified, the scheme defined by
  /// [colors] is used. If both are null, then [scheme] defaults to
  /// [FlexScheme.material].
  final FlexScheme? scheme,

  /// The overall [ColorScheme] based colors for the theme.
  /// This property provides a new way to define custom colors for
  /// [FlexColorScheme] and is available from version 4.2.0. It is useful if
  /// you already have a custom [ColorScheme] based color definition that
  /// you want to use with FlexColorScheme theming and its sub-theming
  /// capabilities. This will become particularly useful when using Material 3
  /// based design and its seed generated color schemes.
  /// If you provide both a [ColorScheme] and some individual direct property
  /// values that also exist in a [ColorScheme], the individual property
  /// values will override the corresponding ones in your [ColorScheme].
  /// If you do not define a [colorScheme], the used colors will be determined
  /// by the [colors] and [scheme] properties. However, when a [colorScheme]
  /// is defined it takes precedence. The [brightness] in the provided
  /// [colorScheme] is always ignored and set to [Brightness.light] since this
  /// is the light theme mode factory. Make sure the colors used in your color
  /// scheme are intended for a light theme.
  /// If you define a [surfaceMode] and set [blendLevel] > 0, then [surface]
  /// and [background] colors in the provided [colorScheme] will be overridden
  /// by the computed color branded surfaces. If your [colorScheme] already
  /// contains branded surface colors, then keep [blendLevel] = 0 to continue
  /// using them.
  /// If you use [lightIsWhite] factory feature, it will also override your
  /// [colorScheme] based [surface] and [background] properties and make them
  /// 8% lighter.
  /// If you opt in on using sub themes with [useSubThemes] and have set
  /// [subThemesData.blendOnColors] to true and have defined [surfaceMode]
  /// and set [blendLevel] > 0, then the effective color scheme based on
  /// colors onPrimary, onSecondary, onError, onSurface and onBackground will
  /// be changed accordingly too.
  /// The [colorScheme] colors are also included and affected by factory
  /// properties [usedColors] and [swapColors] and included in their behavior.
  /// The [FlexColorScheme]'s effective [ColorScheme] can be returned with
  /// [toScheme]. This will always get you a complete color scheme, including
  /// calculated and derived color values, which is particularly useful when
  /// using the [FlexColorScheme.light] and [FlexColorScheme.dark] factories
  /// to compute color scheme branded surface colors for you. The effective
  /// [ColorScheme] for your theme is often needed if you want to create
  /// custom sub-themes that should use the colors from the scheme using none
  /// default color assignments from the color scheme.
  final ColorScheme? colorScheme,

  /// The number of the four main scheme colors to be used of the ones
  /// passed in via the required colors [FlexSchemeColor] property.
  /// This is a convenience property that allows you to vary which colors to
  /// use of the primary, secondary and variant colors included in `colors` in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor]. The integer number corresponds to using:
  /// 1 = Only the primary color
  /// 2 = Primary + Secondary colors
  /// 3 = Primary + Primary variant + Secondary colors
  /// 4 = Primary + Primary variant + Secondary + Secondary variant colors
  /// By default the value is 4 and all main scheme colors in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] are used.
  /// When the value is 1, the result is the same as if we would have
  /// created the colors with [FlexSchemeColor.from] by only giving it the
  /// required primary color. With 2, it is equivalent to as if we would have
  /// given it only the primary and secondary colors, and so on.
  /// This property makes it possible to simulate and change the resulting
  /// [FlexColorScheme] to as if you would have specified 1, 2, 3 or 4 of
  /// the colors. If your used [FlexColorScheme] `colors` was actually created
  /// with [FlexSchemeColor.from] with only the primary color defined, then
  /// changing the value from 4 to 3, 2 or 1, will all produce the same
  /// effective scheme as the computed values will be the same as the
  /// [FlexSchemeColor.from] is using to compute any main missing scheme
  /// color values.
  final int usedColors = 4,

  /// Blends theme colors into surfaces and backgrounds. Deprecated use
  /// [surfaceMode] in combination with [blendLevel] instead.
  /// This property was used in FlexColorScheme before v4.0.0.
  /// It is is still available for backwards compatibility.
  /// Use [surfaceMode] and [blendLevel] instead, that replace [surfaceStyle]
  /// and offers more surface color configuration options and choices.
  /// Defaults to [FlexSurface.material] which results in Flutter
  /// standard [ColorScheme.light] surface colors, which follows the
  /// default color scheme in the Material Design guide for light theme found
  /// [here](https://material.io/design/color/the-color-system.html#color-theme-creation).
  /// If values for the properties [surface], [background],
  /// [dialogBackground] or [scaffoldBackground] are given,
  /// they are used instead of values that would be assigned based
  /// on used [FlexSurfaceMode] in [surfaceMode] or used [FlexSurface] in
  /// this [surfaceStyle].
  @Deprecated('Deprecated in v4.2.0, use surfaceMode and blendLevel instead.')
      final FlexSurface surfaceStyle = FlexSurface.material,

  /// Blends theme colors into surfaces and backgrounds.
  /// If defined, used mode overrides the older [surfaceStyle]
  /// property setting. Prefer using [surfaceMode] over [surfaceStyle],
  /// it offers more color branded surface modes and separate control over
  /// the used branding level via the separate [blendLevel] property.
  /// The mode [FlexSurfaceMode.highBackgroundLowScaffold] can be used to
  /// replace the style that is produced when using
  /// [FlexColorScheme.surfaceStyle] enum property [FlexSurface] in
  /// [FlexColorScheme.light] and [FlexColorScheme.dark]. The mode
  /// [FlexSurfaceMode.highBackgroundLowScaffold] uses the same design concept
  /// as the only style offered by [FlexSurface] in
  /// [FlexColorScheme.surfaceStyle] in use before version 4.
  /// By adjusting the [FlexColorScheme.blendLevel] property and using this
  /// style, you can find a similar visual effect when using
  /// [FlexSurfaceMode.highBackgroundLowScaffold] with the following values
  /// when matching match most prominent blended [ColorScheme.background]
  /// color.
  /// In light theme mode:
  /// * [FlexSurface.material] 0% : blendLevel = 0
  /// * [FlexSurface.light]    2% : blendLevel = 3...4
  /// * [FlexSurface.medium]   4% : blendLevel = 7
  /// * [FlexSurface.strong]   6% : blendLevel = 10
  /// * [FlexSurface.heavy]    8% : blendLevel = 13...14
  /// In dark theme mode:
  /// * [FlexSurface.material] 0% : blendLevel = 0
  /// * [FlexSurface.light]    5% : blendLevel = 8
  /// * [FlexSurface.medium]   8% : blendLevel = 13...14
  /// * [FlexSurface.strong]  11% : blendLevel = 19
  /// * [FlexSurface.heavy]   14% : blendLevel = 23
  /// Since there it is not the same relationship between background and
  /// surface, when using the older [FlexSurface] based style, that uses
  /// individually tuned relationships. The old and new designs do never
  /// align exactly at any blendLevel. The above values produce visually
  /// similar results for the most prominent background color blend.
  /// To get elevation overlay color in dark themes on all surfaces used by
  /// [Material], use one of the modes where background and dialog color
  /// equals the blend strength on surface color, like [level],
  /// [levelSurfacesLowScaffold], [highScaffoldLowSurfaces] and
  /// [highScaffoldLowSurfaces]. Other modes will only use
  /// elevation overlay if their background happens to be equal to resulting
  /// colorScheme.surface color. For more information
  /// see issue: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/90353
  /// When using very strong surface branding in dark mode, having an overlay
  /// elevation color in dark mode is less critical, since the elevation
  /// becomes partially visible via shadows and the surface may even have
  /// another color tint if using e.g. [levelSurfacesLowScaffoldVariantDialog]
  /// or [highScaffoldLowSurfacesVariantDialog].
  /// If values for the properties [surface], [background],
  /// [dialogBackground] or [scaffoldBackground] are given,
  /// they are used instead of values that would be assigned based
  /// on used [FlexSurfaceMode] via [surfaceMode] or [FlexSurface] in
  /// this [surfaceMode].
  final FlexSurfaceMode? surfaceMode,

  /// When [surfaceMode] is defined, this sets the blend level strength used
  /// by the surface mode.
  /// The blend level is the integer decimal value of the alpha value
  /// used in the alpha blend function. It mixes one color with another
  /// by using alpha opacity value in the color of a surface put on top of
  /// another surface with opaque color and returns the result as one opaque
  /// color.
  /// Defaults to 0.
  final int blendLevel = 0,

  /// Style used to define the themed color of the [AppBar] background color.
  /// Defaults to [FlexAppBarStyle.material] which produces the same results
  /// as a Flutter standard dark [ThemeData.from] by tying the app bar color
  /// to the surface color.
  final FlexAppBarStyle appBarStyle = FlexAppBarStyle.material,

  /// Themed app bar opacity.
  /// The opacity is applied to resulting app bar background color determined
  /// by [appBarStyle]. It is also used on tab bars in the app bar. Typically
  /// you would apply an opacity of 0.85 to 0.95 when using the [Scaffold]
  /// property [extendBodyBehindAppBar] set to true, in order to partially
  /// show scrolling content behind the app bar.
  /// Defaults to 1, fully opaque, no transparency. Must be from 0 to 1.
  final double appBarOpacity = 1,

  /// The themed elevation for the app bar.
  /// Default to 0. The 0 elevation is an iOs style
  /// influenced opinionated choice, but it can easily be adjusted for the
  /// theme with this property.
  final double appBarElevation = 0,

  /// The themed elevation for the bottom app bar.
  /// If null, defaults to the value given to the `appBarElevation` elevation.
  final double? bottomAppBarElevation,

  /// Select preferred themed style for the [TabBarTheme].
  /// By default the [TabBarTheme] is made to fit with the style of the
  /// [AppBar], via default value [FlexTabBarStyle.forAppBar].
  /// When setting this to [FlexTabBarStyle.forBackground], it will default
  /// to a theme that uses the color scheme and fits on background color,
  /// which typically also on works surface and scaffoldBackground color.
  /// This TabBarTheme style is useful if you primarily intended to use the
  /// TabBar in a Scaffold, Dialog, Drawer or Side panel on their background
  /// colors.
  final FlexTabBarStyle tabBarStyle = FlexTabBarStyle.forAppBar,

  /// The color displayed most frequently across your app’s screens and
  /// components.
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] [scheme] property, or
  /// if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the same color in it
  /// as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  /// This override color is included and affected by factory
  /// properties [usedColors] and [swapColors] and included in their behavior.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? primary,

  /// A darker version of the primary color.
  /// In Flutter SDK the [primaryVariant] color is only used by [SnackBar]
  /// button color in dark theme mode as a part of predefined widget behavior.
  /// If you provide a custom [SnackBarThemeData] where you define
  /// [SnackBarThemeData.actionTextColor] to [primary] or [secondary], this
  /// color property becomes a good property to use if you need a custom color
  /// for custom widgets accessible via your application's ThemeData, that is
  /// not used as default color by any other built-in widgets. This applies
  /// to Flutter 2.8.1 and earlier versions.
  /// The property is being deprecated in Flutter SDK and will be replaced
  /// by a new property called primaryContainer. It is deprecated from
  /// master v2.6.0-0.0.pre, but has not yet reached stable (2.8.1).
  /// See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/89852.
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] [scheme] property, or
  /// if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the same color in it
  /// as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  /// The override color is included and affected by factory
  /// properties [usedColors] and [swapColors] and included in their behavior.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? primaryVariant,

  /// An accent color that, when used sparingly, calls attention to parts
  /// of your app.
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] [scheme] property, or
  /// if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the same color in it
  /// as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  /// The override color is included and affected by factory properties
  /// [usedColors] and [swapColors] and included in their behavior.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? secondary,

  /// A darker version of the secondary color.
  /// In Flutter SDK the [secondaryVariant] color is not used by in any
  /// built-in widgets default themes or predefined widget behavior.
  /// It is an excellent property to use if you need a custom color for
  /// custom widgets accessible via your application's ThemeData, that is
  /// not used as default color by any built-in widgets.
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] [scheme] property, or
  /// if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the same color in it
  /// as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  /// The override color is included and affected by factory properties
  /// [usedColors] and [swapColors] and included in their behavior.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? secondaryVariant,

  /// The color to use for input validation errors, e.g. for
  /// [InputDecoration.errorText].
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] [scheme] property, or
  /// if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the same color in it
  /// as well.
  /// You can use this property for convenience if you want to override the
  /// color that this scheme color gets via the factory behavior.
  final Color? error,

  /// The surface (background) color for widgets like [Card] and
  /// [BottomAppBar].
  /// The color is applied to [ThemeData.cardColor] and
  /// [ColorScheme.surface] in [ThemeData.colorScheme], it is also used
  /// by all [Material] of type [MaterialType.card].
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on mode defined by property
  /// [surfaceMode] [FlexSurfaceMode] enum or [surfaceStyle] enum
  /// [FlexSurface], or if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the
  /// same color in it as well.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? surface,

  /// A color that typically appears behind scrollable content.
  /// The color is applied to [ThemeData.canvasColor] and
  /// [ThemeData.backgroundColor], it is used eg by menu [Drawer] and by all
  /// [Material] of type [MaterialType.canvas].
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on mode defined by property
  /// [surfaceMode] [FlexSurfaceMode] enum or [surfaceStyle] enum
  /// [FlexSurface], or if a [colorScheme] was provided it will override the
  /// same color in it as well.
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? background,

  /// The color of the [Scaffold] background.
  /// The color is applied to [ThemeData.scaffoldBackgroundColor].
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on mode defined by property
  /// [surfaceMode] [FlexSurfaceMode] enum or [surfaceStyle] enum
  /// [FlexSurface].
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? scaffoldBackground,

  /// The background color of Dialog elements.
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on mode defined by property
  /// [surfaceMode] [FlexSurfaceMode] enum or [surfaceStyle] enum
  /// [FlexSurface].
  /// Defaults to null.
  final Color? dialogBackground,

  /// Background theme color for the [AppBar].
  /// When using the factory this is an override color for the color that
  /// would be used based on the corresponding color property defined in
  /// [FlexSchemeColor] [colors] or for this color defined when using a
  /// pre-defined color scheme based on [FlexScheme] [scheme] property and
  /// the [FlexAppBarStyle] [appBarStyle] property.
  final Color? appBarBackground,

  /// A color that is clearly legible when drawn on [primary] color.
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for
  /// [primary] and [onPrimary] is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// If null, the on color is derived from the brightness of the [primary]
  /// color, and will be be black if it is light and white if it is dark.
  /// If a [colorScheme] is provided and this color is provided, it will
  /// override the corresponding color in the color scheme.
  final Color? onPrimary,

  /// A color that is clearly legible when drawn on [secondary] color.
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for
  /// [secondary] and [onSecondary] is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// If null, the on color is derived from the brightness of the [secondary]
  /// color, and will be be black if it is light and white if it is dark.
  /// If a [colorScheme] is provided and this color is provided, it will
  /// override the corresponding color in the color scheme.
  final Color? onSecondary,

  /// A color that is clearly legible when drawn on [surface] color.
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for
  /// [surface] and [onSurface] is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// If null, the on color is derived from the brightness of the [surface]
  /// color, and will be be black if it is light and white if it is dark.
  /// If a [colorScheme] is provided and this color is provided, it will
  /// override the corresponding color in the color scheme.
  final Color? onSurface,

  /// A color that is clearly legible when drawn on [background] color.
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for
  /// [background] and [onBackground] is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// If null, the on color is derived from the brightness of the [background]
  /// color, and will be be black if it is light and white if it is dark.
  /// If a [colorScheme] is provided and this color is provided, it will
  /// override the corresponding color in the color scheme.
  final Color? onBackground,

  /// A color that is clearly legible when drawn on [error] color.
  /// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for
  /// [error] and [onError] is recommended. See
  /// <https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html>.
  /// If null, the on color is derived from the brightness of the [error]
  /// color, and will be be black if it is light and white if it is dark.
  /// If a [colorScheme] is provided and this color is provided, it will
  /// override the corresponding color in the color scheme.
  final Color? onError,

  /// Makes the dark theme backgrounds darker or even black.
  /// Scaffold background will become fully black, and other surfaces also get
  /// darker (8%), if using low blend levels they may become fully black too.
  final bool darkIsTrueBlack = false,

  /// When true, the primary and primaryVariant colors will be swapped with
  /// their secondary counter parts.
  /// Set this flag to true if you want to make a theme where
  /// your primary and secondary colors are swapped, compared to how they
  /// are defined in the passed in color properties or used pre-defined
  /// color scheme.
  /// This is useful if you want to do this with the pre-defined
  /// schemes. If you are explicitly defining all your theme colors you can
  /// of course define them in any desired config. Even if you do
  /// that, this feature will still swap whatever colors you defined
  /// for primary and secondary. You can offer this feature as an easy end
  /// user modifiable theme option if you like. One usage possibility is to
  /// set `swapColors` to true only for the dark modem and use your color
  /// scheme the other way around only in dark mode.
  final bool swapColors = false,

  /// When true, tooltip background color will match the brightness of the
  /// theme's background color.
  /// By default Flutter's Material tooltips use a theme where the tooltip
  /// background color brightness is inverted in relation to the overall
  /// theme's background color.
  /// FlexColorScheme allows you to use a single
  /// toggle to invert this. Light tooltips on light background is e.g. the
  /// default style on Windows Desktop. You can use this toggle to use this
  /// style, or as a means to create a platform adaptive
  /// tooltip style, where the Material/Flutter style is used on devices and
  /// Web, but the inverted scheme is used on desktop platforms.
  /// Defaults to false, and uses same background style as Material Design
  /// guide and Flutter.
  /// Regardless of value used on this property, the tooltip theme created by
  /// [FlexColorScheme] does however deviate a bit from the Flutter default
  /// theme, it has slightly larger font for improved legibility on web and
  /// desktop with device pixel ratio 1.0 and also use a padding style also
  /// suitable for multiline tooltips.
  final bool tooltipsMatchBackground = false,

  /// When set to true, it makes the status bar on Android the same color as
  /// the rest of the AppBar.
  /// Defaults to true.
  /// When true, the AppBar in Android mimics the look of one-toned AppBar's
  /// typically used on iOS. Set to `false`, to revert back and use
  /// Android's default two-toned look. If true the status bar area is
  /// actually also transparent so that if the app bar is also translucent,
  /// content that scrolls behind it, is also visible behind the status
  /// bar area.
  final bool transparentStatusBar = true,

  /// The density value for specifying the compactness of various UI
  /// components.
  /// Consider using [FlexColorScheme.comfortablePlatformDensity],
  /// it is similar to [VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity], but the
  /// density for desktop and Web is less dense in order to offer a bit larger
  /// touch friendly surfaces, but not quite as large as small touch devices.
  /// This is the same property as in [ThemeData] factory, it is just
  /// passed along to it. Included for convenience to avoid a copyWith if
  /// to change it.
  /// Density, in the context of a UI, is the vertical and horizontal
  /// "compactness" of the elements in the UI. It is unit less, since it means
  /// different things to different UI elements. For buttons, it affects the
  /// spacing around the centered label of the button. For lists, it affects
  /// the distance between baselines of entries in the list.
  /// Typically, density values are integral, but any value in range may be
  /// used. The range includes values from [VisualDensity.minimumDensity]
  /// (which is -4), to [VisualDensity.maximumDensity] (which is 4),
  /// inclusive, where negative values indicate a denser, more compact, UI,
  /// and positive values indicate a less dense, more expanded, UI. If a
  /// component doesn't support the value given, it will clamp to the nearest
  /// supported value.
  /// The default for visual densities is zero for both vertical and
  /// horizontal densities, which corresponds to the default visual density of
  /// components in the Material Design specification.
  /// As a rule of thumb, a change of 1 or -1 in density corresponds to 4
  /// logical pixels. However, this is not a strict relationship since
  /// components interpret the density values appropriately for their needs.
  /// A larger value translates to a spacing increase (less dense), and a
  /// smaller value translates to a spacing decrease (more dense).
  /// Defaults to [VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity].
  final VisualDensity? visualDensity,

  /// Text with a color that contrasts with the card and canvas colors.
  final TextTheme? textTheme,

  /// A text theme that contrasts with the primary color.
  final TextTheme? primaryTextTheme,

  /// Same property as in [ThemeData] factory, it is just passed along to it.
  /// Included for convenience to avoid a copyWith if it needs to be changed.
  final String? fontFamily,

  /// The platform adaptive widgets should adapt to target and mechanics too.
  /// Same property as in [ThemeData] factory. Included for convenience to
  /// avoid a copyWith change it.
  /// Defaults to the current platform, as exposed by [defaultTargetPlatform].
  /// This should be used in order to style UI elements according to platform
  /// conventions.
  /// Widgets from the material library should use this getter (via
  /// [Theme.of]) to determine the current platform for the purpose of
  /// emulating the platform behavior (e.g. scrolling or haptic effects).
  /// Widgets and render objects at lower layers that try to emulate the
  /// underlying platform platform can depend on [defaultTargetPlatform]
  /// directly, or may require that the target platform be provided as an
  /// argument. The `dart.io.Platform` object should only be used directly
  /// when it's critical to actually know the current platform, without any
  /// overrides possible, e.g. when a system API is about to be called.
  /// In a test environment, the platform returned is [TargetPlatform.android]
  /// regardless of the host platform. (Android was chosen because the tests
  /// were originally written assuming Android-like behavior, and we added
  /// platform adaptations for other platforms later). Tests can check
  /// behavior for other platforms by setting the [platform] of the [Theme]
  /// explicitly to another [TargetPlatform] value, or by setting
  /// [debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride].
  final TargetPlatform? platform,

  /// The color and geometry [TextTheme] values use to configure [textTheme].
  /// Same property as in [ThemeData] factory. Included for convenience to
  /// avoid a copyWith change it.
  /// Included for convenience to avoid a copyWith if it needs to be changed.
  /// Default value deviates from the Flutter standard that uses the old
  /// [Typography.material2014], in favor of newer [Typography.material2018]
  /// as default typography if one is not provided.
  /// Never mix different [Typography] in light and dark theme mode. If you
  /// do, lerp between dark and light theme mode will fail due Flutter SDK
  /// not being able to handle the use case. See issue:
  /// https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/89947
  /// If you use a default light or
  /// dark Flutter ThemeData() and a FlexColorScheme.toTheme() ThemeData for
  /// the other mode, you must set either the default ThemeData to
  /// [Typography.material2018] OR the [FlexColorScheme.typography] to
  /// [Typography.material2014] to avoid this issue. It is not generally
  /// recommended to create your light and dark theme data with
  /// different methods. If you use FlexColorScheme, DO use it for both the
  /// light and dark theme mode.
  final Typography? typography,

  /// Apply a semi-transparent overlay color on Material surfaces to indicate
  /// elevation for dark themes.
  /// Same property as in [ThemeData] factory. Included for convenience to
  /// avoid a copyWith change it.
  /// In FlexColorScheme it defaults to true. In Flutter [ThemeData.from] it
  /// also default to true, but in [ThemeData] factory it defaults to false.
  /// Material drop shadows can be difficult to see in a dark theme, so the
  /// elevation of a surface should be portrayed with an "overlay" in addition
  /// to the shadow. As the elevation of the component increases, the
  /// overlay increases in opacity. The [applyElevationOverlayColor] turns the
  /// application of this overlay on or off for dark themes.
  /// If true and [brightness] is [Brightness.dark], a
  /// semi-transparent version of [ColorScheme.onSurface] will be
  /// applied on top of [Material] widgets that have a [ColorScheme.surface]
  /// color. The level of transparency is based on [Material.elevation] as
  /// per the Material Dark theme specification.
  /// If false the surface color will be used unmodified.
  /// Defaults to false in order to maintain backwards compatibility with
  /// apps that were built before the Material Dark theme specification
  /// was published. New apps should set this to true for any themes
  /// where [brightness] is [Brightness.dark].
  /// See also:
  ///  * [Material.elevation], which effects the level of transparency of the
  ///    overlay color.
  ///  * [ElevationOverlay.applyOverlay], which is used by [Material] to apply
  ///    the overlay color to its surface color.
  ///  * <https://material.io/design/color/dark-theme.html>, which specifies
  ///    how the overlay should be applied.
  /// Known limitations:
  /// Because of how the overlay color application is implemented in Flutter
  /// SDK, you will only get overlay color applied in dark mode when this
  /// value  is true, if the [Material] surface color being elevated is equal
  /// to [ThemeData.colorScheme] and its [ColorScheme.surface] color property.
  /// Thus when using color branded surfaces, if you want all [Material]
  /// surfaces in your theme to get an overlay color in dark mode, you must
  /// for dark themes only use background colors that are equal to the surface
  /// color. This when using [FlexColorScheme.dark] use a [FlexSurfaceMode]
  /// that starts with `equal`. That said, if using heavy color branding,
  /// some surfaces may not need any overlay color, so the
  /// lack of it might not be an issue with other modes in such themes.
  /// For more information about this limitation see Flutter SDK issue:
  /// https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/90353
  final bool applyElevationOverlayColor = true,

  /// Set to true to opt-in on using additional opinionated widget sub themes.
  /// By default [FlexThemeData.light], [FlexThemeData.dark] and
  /// [FlexColorScheme.toTheme], tries to do as
  /// little as they need to just provide a consistent color schemed theme.
  /// By opting in with [useSubThemes] set to true you get an opinionated set
  /// of widget sub themes applied. They can be conveniently customized via
  /// the [subThemesData] property, that holds quick and easy sub theme
  /// configuration values in the data class [FlexSubThemesData].
  /// Opinionated sub themes are provided for:
  /// * [TextButton]
  /// * [ElevatedButton]
  /// * [OutlinedButton]
  /// * Older buttons using [ButtonThemeData]
  /// * [ToggleButtons]
  /// * [InputDecoration]
  /// * [FloatingActionButton]
  /// * [Chip]
  /// * [Card]
  /// * [PopupMenuButton]
  /// * [Dialog]
  /// * [TimePickerDialog]
  /// * [SnackBar]
  /// * [BottomSheet]
  /// * [BottomNavigationBar]
  /// * The custom [ButtonTextTheme] even still provides matching styling to
  ///   for the deprecated legacy buttons if they are used.
  /// The sub themes are a convenient way to opt-in on customized corner
  /// radius on Widgets using above themes. By opting in you can set corner
  /// radius for all above Widgets to same corner radius in one go. There are
  /// also properties to override the global default for each widget to set
  /// different rounding per widget if so desired.
  /// By default each widgets corner radius and some other styling take
  /// inspiration from the Material 3 (M3) Specification
  /// https://m3.material.io/ and uses its values as defaults when it is
  /// possible to do so in Flutter SDK theming within its current
  /// Material 2 (M2) design limitations.
  /// Defaults to false.
  final bool useSubThemes = false,

  /// Optional configuration parameters for the opt in sub-themes.
  /// If you opt-in to use the opinionated sub-theming offered by
  /// [FlexColorScheme] you can also configure them by passing
  /// in a [FlexSubThemesData] that allows you to modify them.
  /// The primary purpose of the opinionated sub-themes is to make it easy
  /// to add themed corner radius to all Widgets that support it, and to
  /// provide a consistent look on all buttons, including [ToggleButtons].
  /// Defaults to null, resulting in a default [FlexSubThemesData] being used
  /// when [useSubThemes] is set to true.
  final FlexSubThemesData? subThemesData,
}) {
  // DARK: Check valid inputs
  assert(usedColors >= 1 && usedColors <= 4, 'usedColors must be 1 to 4.');
  assert(appBarOpacity >= 0 && appBarOpacity <= 1,
      'appBarOpacity must be 0 to 1');
    blendLevel >= 0 && blendLevel <= 40,
    'Only blend levels from 0 to 40 are allowed. Very high alpha values may '
    'not produce results that are visually very appealing or useful.',
  assert(appBarElevation >= 0.0, 'AppBar elevation must be >= 0.');
  assert(bottomAppBarElevation == null || bottomAppBarElevation >= 0.0,
      'Bottom AppBar elevation must be null or must be >= 0.');
  // If bottomAppBarElevation is null, fallback to appBarElevation.
  final double effectiveBottomAppBarElevation =
      bottomAppBarElevation ?? appBarElevation;

  // Fallback value for scheme is default material scheme.
  final FlexScheme _scheme = scheme ?? FlexScheme.material;
  // If colors was null, we used the scheme based value.
  final FlexSchemeColor _colors =
      colors ?? FlexColor.schemesWithCustom[_scheme]!.dark;
  // If the passed in property values are not null, or there was a colorScheme
  // provided, we will override the colors properties with them, this gets
  // us also correct effective and swap behavior on directly passed in
  // property values or colorScheme based colors.
  final FlexSchemeColor withPassedColors = _colors.copyWith(
    primary: primary ?? colorScheme?.primary,
    primaryVariant: primaryVariant ?? colorScheme?.primaryVariant,
    secondary: secondary ?? colorScheme?.secondary,
    secondaryVariant: secondaryVariant ?? colorScheme?.secondaryVariant,
    error: error ?? colorScheme?.error,
  // Effective FlexSchemeColor depends on colors, usedColors and swapColors.
  final FlexSchemeColor effectiveColors = FlexSchemeColor.effective(
    swapColors: swapColors,

  // If [surfaceStyle] is [FlexSurface.custom] then the returned
  // surfaceSchemeColors will be same as [FlexSurface.material], to get a
  // different result surface colors must be passed in to
  // FlexColorScheme.dark. It is up to the implementation using
  // [FlexSurface.custom] to do so. The returned surfaceSchemeColors
  // will never be null, it always has colors.
  // If surfaceMode is not null, we use the never blend mode and level via
  // factory FlexSchemeSurfaceColors.flexBlend, otherwise we use the one
  // defined by factory FlexSchemeSurfaceColors.from used before version 4.
  final FlexSchemeSurfaceColors surfaceSchemeColors = surfaceMode != null
      ? FlexSchemeSurfaceColors.blend(
          brightness: Brightness.dark,
          surfaceMode: surfaceMode,
          blendLevel: blendLevel,
          schemeColors: effectiveColors,
      : FlexSchemeSurfaceColors.from(
          brightness: Brightness.dark,
          surfaceStyle: surfaceStyle,
          primary: effectiveColors.primary,

  // Use passed in sub-theme config data, or a default one, if none given.
  final FlexSubThemesData subTheme =
      subThemesData ?? const FlexSubThemesData();

  // Get alpha blend values corresponding to used mode, level and brightness,
  // if using surfaceMode, opted in to use sub themes and in theme opted
  // in to also blend the on colors.
  final _AlphaValues _blend =
      surfaceMode != null && useSubThemes && subTheme.blendOnColors
          ? _AlphaValues.getAlphas(surfaceMode, blendLevel, Brightness.dark)
          : const _AlphaValues();

  // Determine the input surface and background colors.
  // The logic is that if they were passed via properties, those colors
  // are used, if not then colorScheme based colors are used, if they
  // were provided and we are not using blended surface and surface mode,
  // if we are, then we use the computed surfaces.
  // The final fallback is always the computed surface
  final bool _overrideScheme = blendLevel > 0 && surfaceMode != null;
  final Color _inputSurface = surface ??
          ? surfaceSchemeColors.surface
          : colorScheme?.surface) ??
  final Color _inputBackground = background ??
          ? surfaceSchemeColors.background
          : colorScheme?.background) ??

  // For the on colors we pass in the primary, secondary and surface colors to
  // calculate onColors for. If some onColors were passed in, we give
  // that value to it, if it was not null it will be used instead of the
  // calculated onColor.
  const int divN = 3; // Tuned for less blend of color into its onColor.
  final FlexSchemeOnColors onColors = FlexSchemeOnColors.from(
    primary: effectiveColors.primary,
    secondary: effectiveColors.secondary,
    surface: _inputSurface,
    background: _inputBackground,
    error: effectiveColors.error ?? FlexColor.materialDarkError,
    onPrimary: onPrimary ?? colorScheme?.onPrimary,
    onSecondary: onSecondary ?? colorScheme?.onSecondary,
    onSurface: onSurface ?? colorScheme?.onSurface,
    onBackground: onBackground ?? colorScheme?.onBackground,
    onError: onError ?? colorScheme?.onError,
    primaryAlpha: _blend.primaryAlpha * 2 ~/ divN,
    secondaryAlpha: _blend.secondaryAlpha * 2 ~/ divN,
    surfaceAlpha: _blend.surfaceAlpha * 2 ~/ divN,
    backgroundAlpha: _blend.backgroundAlpha * 2 ~/ divN,
    errorAlpha: _blend.errorAlpha * 2 ~/ divN,

  // Determine effective surface color.
  // Surface is used e.g. by Card and bottom appbar.
  // If true black, we make a darker than normal surface. If not
  // true black, we use provided surface color, or computed one.
  final Color effectiveSurfaceColor =
      darkIsTrueBlack ? _inputSurface.darken(8) : _inputSurface;

  // Determine effective background color.
  // Used e.g. by drawer, nav rail, side menu and bottom bar.
  // If true black, we use darker then normal background. If not true black,
  // we use provided background color, or computed one.
  final Color effectiveBackgroundColor =
      darkIsTrueBlack ? _inputBackground.darken(8) : _inputBackground;

  // Determine effective dialog background color.
  // If true black, we use darker than normal. If not true black,
  // we use dialog provided background color, or computed one.
  // The provided dialog background color overrides factory surface behavior,
  // but is impacted by true black mode for a darker effect.
  final Color effectiveDialogBackground = darkIsTrueBlack
      ? dialogBackground?.darken(8) ??
      : dialogBackground ?? surfaceSchemeColors.dialogBackground;

  // Get the effective app bar color based on the style and opacity.
  Color? effectiveAppBarColor;
  switch (appBarStyle) {
    case FlexAppBarStyle.primary:
      effectiveAppBarColor = effectiveColors.primary;
    case FlexAppBarStyle.material:
      effectiveAppBarColor =
          darkIsTrueBlack ? Colors.black : FlexColor.materialDarkSurface;
    case FlexAppBarStyle.background:
      effectiveAppBarColor = effectiveBackgroundColor;
    case FlexAppBarStyle.surface:
      effectiveAppBarColor = effectiveSurfaceColor;
    case FlexAppBarStyle.custom:
      effectiveAppBarColor = effectiveColors.appBarColor ??
          (darkIsTrueBlack ? Colors.black : FlexColor.materialDarkSurface);
  effectiveAppBarColor =
      appBarBackground ?? effectiveAppBarColor.withOpacity(appBarOpacity);

  return FlexColorScheme(
    // We pass along the original colorScheme too, but mostly its properties
    // will not be used as they have been used and potentially redefined by
    // the factory and are defined via other properties in the constructor.
    // Passing it along will however let us keep property values it may
    // have that we are not dealing with in FlexColorScheme when it returns
    // its [ColorScheme].
    colorScheme: colorScheme,
    // This is the dark theme factory so we always set brightness to dark.
    brightness: Brightness.dark,
    // Primary color for the application.
    primary: effectiveColors.primary,
    // The primary variant should generally be a bit darker color than
    // primary, preferably of a color like it or darker hue of primary.
    // If no value was provided we make a hue that is 10% darker.
    primaryVariant: effectiveColors.primaryVariant,
    // The secondary color for the application. If you do not want
    // to use it set it to the same color as primary. For a subtle
    // one color based theme you can use a hue of the primary.
    // This creates one that is 5% darker than primary, if not given.
    secondary: effectiveColors.secondary,
    // The secondary variant should generally be a bit darker color than
    // secondary, preferably of a color like it or darker hue of secondary.
    // We us any provided value, if none darken the secondary and if no
    // secondary was provided we darken the primary 15%
    secondaryVariant: effectiveColors.secondaryVariant,
    // Surface is used e.g. by Card and bottom appbar and in this
    // implementation also by dialogs.
    surface: effectiveSurfaceColor,
    // Used e.g. by drawer, nav rail, side menu and bottom bar.
    background: effectiveBackgroundColor,
    // If darkIsTrueBlack is set, we use black as default scaffold background,
    // otherwise provided value or if null effective scheme background.
    scaffoldBackground: scaffoldBackground ??
            ? Colors.black
            : surfaceSchemeColors.scaffoldBackground),
    // Color of dialog background elements.
    dialogBackground: effectiveDialogBackground,
    // Set app bar background to effective background color.
    appBarBackground: effectiveAppBarColor,
    // Effective error color and fallback.
    error: effectiveColors.error ?? FlexColor.materialDarkError,
    onPrimary: onColors.onPrimary,
    onSecondary: onColors.onSecondary,
    onSurface: onColors.onSurface,
    onBackground: onColors.onBackground,
    onError: onColors.onError,
    tabBarStyle: tabBarStyle,
    appBarElevation: appBarElevation,
    bottomAppBarElevation: effectiveBottomAppBarElevation,
    tooltipsMatchBackground: tooltipsMatchBackground,
    transparentStatusBar: transparentStatusBar,
    visualDensity: visualDensity,
    textTheme: textTheme,
    primaryTextTheme: primaryTextTheme,
    fontFamily: fontFamily,
    platform: platform,
    typography: typography,
    applyElevationOverlayColor: applyElevationOverlayColor,
    useSubThemes: useSubThemes,
    subThemesData: subThemesData,