tooltipsMatchBackground property

bool tooltipsMatchBackground

When true, tooltip background color will match the brightness of the theme's background color.

By default Flutter's Material tooltips use a theme where the tooltip background color brightness is inverted in relation to the overall theme's background color.

FlexColorScheme allows you to use a single toggle to invert this. Light tooltips on light background is e.g. the default style on Windows Desktop. You can use this toggle to use this style, or as a means to create a platform adaptive tooltip style, where the Material/Flutter style is used on devices and Web, but the inverted scheme is used on desktop platforms.

Defaults to false, and uses same background style as Material Design guide and Flutter.

Regardless of value used on this property, the tooltip theme created by FlexColorScheme does however deviate a bit from the Flutter default theme, it has slightly larger font for improved legibility on web and desktop with device pixel ratio 1.0 and also use a padding style also suitable for multiline tooltips.


final bool tooltipsMatchBackground;