fillTemplate method

String fillTemplate(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> substitutions

Returns this String with keys swapped out for values found in substitutions.

For each RegExpMatch from the RegExp (.){0,1}\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]+), group 2 is used to retrieve the substitution key. If group 1 is equal to \, the match is skipped.


String fillTemplate(Map<String, dynamic> substitutions) => replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'(.){0,1}\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', dotAll: true), (Match match) {
      final variable =;
      final before = ?? '';
      final result = before != r'\' ? before + (substitutions.containsKey(variable) ? '${substitutions[variable]}' : '{ERROR: Substitution for key \$$variable not found}') : '\$$variable';
      return result;
    }).replaceAll(RegExp(r'\\\$'), r'$');