updateWith method

Map<K, V> Function(V? (V?)) updateWith(
  1. K k

update element if key-value pair exists returned value is some.

remove element if key-value pair exists and returned value is null.

add element if key-value pair does not exist and returned value is some.

else it returns the as is.

In the example below, if key is not 'a','b' ,nor 'c', it returns {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3,'<key>':4,...} if key is 'a', it returns {'a': 100,'b':2,'c':3} else it returns {'a': 1, 'b':2,'c': 3} example

  .updateWith(key)((element) => element == null ? 4 : element == 1 ? element * 100  : null);


Map<K, V> Function(V? Function(V?)) updateWith(K k) {
  if (containsKey(k)) {
    return (f) {
      final clone = {...this};
      final deleteIfNull = f(this[k]);
      if (deleteIfNull == null) {
        return clone;
      } else {
        return {...this, k: deleteIfNull};
  } else {
    return (f) => f(null) == null ? this : <K, V>{...this, k: f(null)!};