Optional<T> extension

  • T?


isEmpty bool
returns true if value is not null.
no setter


filter(bool f(T)) → T?
returns if value is not empty and matches given function f.
flatMap<R>(R f(T)) → R?
returns some value if both this and returned value of function f are some.
fold<R>(R ifEmpty()) → R Function(R (T))
returns value returned from ifEmpty thunk if value is null. otherwise, returns value gained from applying function f to this value.
foreach(void f(T)) → void
do side-effect operation if this value is not empty
getOrElse(T els()) → T
returns value if value is not null, else returns given els value.
map<R>(R f(T)) → R?
map value using function f if value is not null.
mapOr<R>(R f(T), {required R or}) → R
toList() List<T>
convert optional value into list of length 0 or 1.