formFactor method

FormFactor formFactor({
  1. bool followDeviceOrientation = true,

Returns the correct FormFactor based on the ScreenWidthBreakpoints.

If followDeviceOrientation is true (default) the devices screen width is compared with the ScreenWidthBreakpoints. This means the FormFactor changes when the device orientation changes.

If followDeviceOrientation is false the devices shortest side is compared with the ScreenWidthBreakpoints. This means the FormFactor does not change when the device orientation changes.


FormFactor formFactor({bool followDeviceOrientation = true}) {
  final width = followDeviceOrientation
      ? mediaQuery.size.width
      : mediaQuery.size.shortestSide;

  return width > ScreenWidthBreakpoints.desktop
      ? FormFactor.desktop
      : width > ScreenWidthBreakpoints.tablet
          ? FormFactor.tablet