AlignExt extension



align({Key? key, AlignmentGeometry alignment =, double? widthFactor, double? heightFactor}) Align
Wrap the widget in Align widget.
alignAtBottomCenter({Key? key, double? heightFactor, double? widthFactor}) Align
Wrap the widget in Align widget with bottom-center alignment.
alignAtBottomLeft({Key? key, double? heightFactor, double? widthFactor}) Align
Wrap the widget in Align widget with bottom-left alignment.
alignAtBottomRight({Key? key, double? heightFactor, double? widthFactor}) Align
alignAtCenter({Key? key, double? heightFactor, double? widthFactor}) Align
Wrap the widget in Align widget with center alignment.
alignAtCenterLeft({Key? key, double? heightFactor, double? widthFactor}) Align
Wrap the widget in Align widget with center-left alignment.
alignAtCenterRight({Key? key, double? heightFactor, double? widthFactor}) Align
Wrap the widget in Align widget with center-right alignment.
alignAtLERP(Alignment a, Alignment b, double t, {Key? key, double? heightFactor, double? widthFactor}) Align
Wrap the widget in Align widget with LERP alignment.
alignAtTopCenter({Key? key, double? heightFactor, double? widthFactor}) Align
Wrap the widget in Align widget with top-center alignment.
alignAtTopLeft({Key? key, double? heightFactor, double? widthFactor}) Align
Wrap the widget in Align widget with top-left alignment.
alignAtTopRight({Key? key, double? heightFactor, double? widthFactor}) Align
Wrap the widget in Align widget with top-wight alignment.
alignXY(double x, double y, {Key? key, double? heightFactor, double? widthFactor}) Align
Wrap the widget in Align widget with xy alignment.