addDoubleIndirectly method

void addDoubleIndirectly(
  1. double value, {
  2. bool cache = false,

Stores double value indirectly in the buffer.

Double are stored as 8 or 4 byte values in FlexBuffers. If they are stored in a mixed vector, values which are smaller than 4 / 8 bytes will be padded. When we add double indirectly, the vector will contain not the value itself, but only the relative offset to the value. Which could occupy only 1 or 2 bytes, reducing the odds for unnecessary padding. By setting the cache parameter to true, you make sure that the builder tracks already added double value and performs deduplication.


void addDoubleIndirectly(double value, {bool cache = false}) {
  if (cache && _indirectDoubleCache.containsKey(value)) {
  final stackValue = _StackValue.withDouble(value);
  final byteWidth = _align(stackValue.width);
  final newOffset = _newOffset(byteWidth);
  final valueOffset = _offset;
  final stackOffset = _StackValue.withOffset(
      valueOffset, ValueType.IndirectFloat, stackValue.width);
  _offset = newOffset;
  if (cache) {
    _indirectDoubleCache[value] = stackOffset;