PolygonComponent.relative constructor

  1. List<Vector2> relation, {
  2. required Vector2 parentSize,
  3. Vector2? position,
  4. Vector2? scale,
  5. double? angle,
  6. Anchor? anchor,
  7. int? priority,
  8. Paint? paint,
  9. bool? shrinkToBounds,

With this constructor you define the PolygonComponent in relation to the parentSize of the shape.

Example: [[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0], [-1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]] This will form a diamond shape within the bounding size box. NOTE: Always define your shape in a counter-clockwise fashion (in the screen coordinate system).


  List<Vector2> relation, {
  required Vector2 parentSize,
  Vector2? position,
  Vector2? scale,
  double? angle,
  Anchor? anchor,
  int? priority,
  Paint? paint,
  bool? shrinkToBounds,
}) : this(
        normalsToVertices(relation, parentSize),
        position: position,
        size: parentSize,
        angle: angle,
        anchor: anchor,
        scale: scale,
        priority: priority,
        paint: paint,
        shrinkToBounds: shrinkToBounds,