random static method

Paint random({
  1. double withAlpha = 1.0,
  2. int base = 0,
  3. Random? rng,

Generates a random Color in a new Paint object with the set alpha as withAlpha or the default (1.0). You can pass in a random number generator rng, if omitted the function will create a new Random object without a seed and use that. base can be used to get the random colors in only a lighter spectrum, it should be between 0 and 256.


static Paint random({
  double withAlpha = 1.0,
  int base = 0,
  Random? rng,
}) {
  final color = ColorExtension.random(
    withAlpha: withAlpha,
    base: base,
    rng: rng,
  return Paint()..color = color;