testGolden function

  1. @isTest
void testGolden(
  1. String testName,
  2. PrepareGameFunction testBody, {
  3. required String goldenFile,
  4. Vector2? size,
  5. FlameGame<World>? game,
  6. bool skip = false,

Test that a game renders correctly.

The way golden tests work is as follows: you set up a scene in testBody, then the test framework renders your game widget into an image, and compares that image against stored goldenFile. The test passes if two images are identical, or fails if the images differ even in a single pixel.

The term golden file refers to the true rendering of a given game scene, captured at the creation of the test. In order to create a golden file, you first specify its desired name in the goldenFile parameter, and then run the tests using the command

flutter test --update-goldens

The testBody is given a game parameter (which is by default a new FlameGame instance, but you can also supply your own game object), and is expected to set up a scene for rendering. Usually this involves adding necessary game components, and possibly advancing the game clock. As a convenience, we will run await game.ready() before rendering, to ensure that all components that might be pending are properly mounted.

The size parameter controls the size of the "device" on which the game widget is rendered, if omitted it defaults to 2400x1800. This size will be equal to the canvas size of the game.


void testGolden(
  String testName,
  PrepareGameFunction testBody, {
  required String goldenFile,
  Vector2? size,
  FlameGame? game,
  bool skip = false,
}) {
    (tester) async {
      final gameInstance = game ?? FlameGame();
      const myKey = ValueKey('game-instance');

      await tester.runAsync(() async {
        Widget widget = GameWidget(key: myKey, game: gameInstance);
        if (size != null) {
          widget = Center(
            child: SizedBox(
              width: size.x,
              height: size.y,
              child: RepaintBoundary(
                child: widget,
        await tester.pumpWidget(widget);
        await tester.pump();
        await testBody(gameInstance);
        await gameInstance.ready();
        await tester.pump();

      await expectLater(
    skip: skip,