addEmptyAnimation method

TrackEntry addEmptyAnimation(
  1. int trackIndex,
  2. double mixDuration,
  3. double delay

Adds an empty animation to be played after the current or last queued animation for a track, and sets the track entry's TrackEntry.getMixDuration. If the track is empty, it is equivalent to calling setEmptyAnimation.

See setEmptyAnimation.

If delay > 0, sets TrackEntry.getDelay. If <= 0, the delay set is the duration of the previous track entry minus any mix duration plus the specified delay (ie the mix ends at (delay = 0) or before (delay < 0) the previous track entry duration). If the previous entry is looping, its next loop completion is used instead of its duration.

Returns a track entry to allow further customization of animation playback. References to the track entry must not be kept after the EventType.dispose event occurs.


TrackEntry addEmptyAnimation(int trackIndex, double mixDuration, double delay) {
  final entry = _bindings.spine_animation_state_add_empty_animation(_state, trackIndex, mixDuration, delay);
  return TrackEntry._(entry, this);