renderToPng method

Future<Uint8List> renderToPng(
  1. double width,
  2. double height,
  3. int bgColor

Renders the skeleton drawable's current pose to a PNG encoded in a Uint8List, with the given width and height. Uses bgColor, a 32-bit ARGB color value, to paint the background. Scales and centers the skeleton to fit the within the bounds of width and height.


Future<Uint8List> renderToPng(double width, double height, int bgColor) async {
  final recorder = renderToPictureRecorder(width, height, bgColor);
  final image = await recorder.endRecording().toImage(width.toInt(), height.toInt());
  return (await image.toByteData(format: ImageByteFormat.png))!.buffer.asUint8List();