setAnimation method

TrackEntry setAnimation(
  1. int trackIndex,
  2. Animation animation,
  3. bool loop

Sets the current animation for a track at trackIndex, discarding any queued animations. If the formerly current track entry was never applied to a skeleton, it is replaced (not mixed from).

If loop is true, the animation will repeat. If false it will not, instead its last frame is applied if played beyond its duration. In either case TrackEntry.getTrackEnd determines when the track is cleared.

Returns a track entry to allow further customization of animation playback. References to the track entry must not be kept after the EventType.dispose event occurs.


TrackEntry setAnimation(int trackIndex, Animation animation, bool loop) {
  final entry = _bindings.spine_animation_state_set_animation(_state, trackIndex, animation._animation, loop ? -1 : 0);
  if (entry.address == nullptr.address) throw Exception("Couldn't set animation ${animation.getName()}");
  return TrackEntry._(entry, this);