flame_network_assets library


A class containing the relevant http attributes to Flame Assets Network package.
FlameNetworkAssets is a class similar to Flame's assets classes (like Images for example), but instead of loading assets from the assets bundle, it loads from networks urls.
A specialized FlameAssetResponse that can be used to load Images.


DecodeAssetFunction<T> = Future<T> Function(Uint8List)
Function signature used by Flame Network Assets to decode assets from a raw format.
EncodeAssetFunction<T> = Future<Uint8List> Function(T)
Function signature used by Flame Network Assets to encode assets to a raw format.
GetAppDirectoryFunction = Future<Directory> Function()
Function signature by Flame Network Assets to get the app directory which is used for the local storage caching.
GetAssetFunction = Future<FlameAssetResponse> Function(String url, {Map<String, String>? headers})
Function signature used by Flame Network Assets to fetch assets.