collidePolygons method

void collidePolygons(
  1. Manifold manifold,
  2. PolygonShape polyA,
  3. Transform xfA,
  4. PolygonShape polyB,
  5. Transform xfB,

Compute the collision manifold between two polygons.


void collidePolygons(
  Manifold manifold,
  PolygonShape polyA,
  Transform xfA,
  PolygonShape polyB,
  Transform xfB,
) {
  // - Find edge normal of max separation on A - return if separating axis is
  // found
  // - Find edge normal of max separation on B - return if separation axis is
  // found
  // - Choose reference edge as min(minA, minB)
  // - Find incident edge
  // - Clip

  // The normal points from 1 to 2

  manifold.pointCount = 0;
  final totalRadius = polyA.radius + polyB.radius;

  findMaxSeparation(_results1, polyA, xfA, polyB, xfB);
  if (_results1.separation > totalRadius) {

  findMaxSeparation(results2, polyB, xfB, polyA, xfA);
  if (results2.separation > totalRadius) {

  PolygonShape poly1; // reference polygon
  PolygonShape poly2; // incident polygon
  Transform xf1;
  Transform xf2;
  int edge1; // reference edge
  bool flip;
  final kTol = 0.1 * settings.linearSlop;

  if (results2.separation > _results1.separation + kTol) {
    poly1 = polyB;
    poly2 = polyA;
    xf1 = xfB;
    xf2 = xfA;
    edge1 = results2.edgeIndex;
    manifold.type = ManifoldType.faceB;
    flip = true;
  } else {
    poly1 = polyA;
    poly2 = polyB;
    xf1 = xfA;
    xf2 = xfB;
    edge1 = _results1.edgeIndex;
    manifold.type = ManifoldType.faceA;
    flip = false;
  final xf1q = xf1.q;

  findIncidentEdge(_incidentEdge, poly1, xf1, edge1, poly2, xf2);

  final count1 = poly1.vertices.length;
  final vertices1 = poly1.vertices;

  final iv1 = edge1;
  final iv2 = edge1 + 1 < count1 ? edge1 + 1 : 0;
  _localTangent.x = _v12.x - _v11.x;
  _localTangent.y = _v12.y - _v11.y;

  _localNormal.x = 1.0 * _localTangent.y;
  _localNormal.y = -1.0 * _localTangent.x;

  _planePoint.x = (_v11.x + _v12.x) * .5;
  _planePoint.y = (_v11.y + _v12.y) * .5;

  _tangent.x = xf1q.cos * _localTangent.x - xf1q.sin * _localTangent.y;
  _tangent.y = xf1q.sin * _localTangent.x + xf1q.cos * _localTangent.y;

  final normalx = 1.0 * _tangent.y;
  final normaly = -1.0 * _tangent.x;

  _v11.setFrom(Transform.mulVec2(xf1, _v11));
  _v12.setFrom(Transform.mulVec2(xf1, _v12));

  // Face offset
  final frontOffset = normalx * _v11.x + normaly * _v11.y;

  // Side offsets, extended by polytope skin thickness.
  final sideOffset1 =
      -(_tangent.x * _v11.x + _tangent.y * _v11.y) + totalRadius;
  final sideOffset2 = _tangent.x * _v12.x + _tangent.y * _v12.y + totalRadius;

  // Clip to box side 1
  if (clipSegmentToLine(
      ) <
      2) {

  // Clip to negative box side 1
  if (clipSegmentToLine(
      ) <
      2) {

  // Now _clipPoints2 contains the clipped points.

  var pointCount = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < settings.maxManifoldPoints; ++i) {
    final separation = normalx * _clipPoints2[i].v.x +
        normaly * _clipPoints2[i].v.y -

    if (separation <= totalRadius) {
      final cp = manifold.points[pointCount];
      final out = cp.localPoint;
      final px = _clipPoints2[i].v.x - xf2.p.x;
      final py = _clipPoints2[i].v.y - xf2.p.y;
      out.x = xf2.q.cos * px + xf2.q.sin * py;
      out.y = -xf2.q.sin * px + xf2.q.cos * py;[i].id);
      if (flip) {
        // Swap features;

  manifold.pointCount = pointCount;