closeTo method

bool closeTo(
  1. Transform3D other, {
  2. double tolerance = 1e-10,

Check whether this transform is equal to other, up to the given tolerance. Setting tolerance to zero will check for exact equality. Transforms are considered equal if their rotation angles are the same or differ by a multiple of 2π, and if all other transform parameters: translation, scale, and offset are the same.

The tolerance parameter is in absolute units, not relative.


bool closeTo(Transform3D other, {double tolerance = 1e-10}) {
  return (position.x - other.position.x).abs() <= tolerance &&
      (position.y - other.position.y).abs() <= tolerance &&
      (position.z - other.position.z).abs() <= tolerance &&
      (rotation.x - other.rotation.x).abs() <= tolerance &&
      (rotation.y - other.rotation.y).abs() <= tolerance &&
      (rotation.z - other.rotation.z).abs() <= tolerance &&
      (rotation.w - other.rotation.w).abs() <= tolerance &&
      (scale.x - other.scale.x).abs() <= tolerance &&
      (scale.y - other.scale.y).abs() <= tolerance &&
      (scale.z - other.scale.z).abs() <= tolerance;