toTextPainter method

TextPainter toTextPainter(
  1. String text

Returns a TextPainter that allows for text rendering and size measuring.

A TextPainter has three important properties: paint, width and height (or size).

Example usage:

const config = TextPaint(fontSize: 48.0, fontFamily: 'Arial'); final tp = config.toTextPainter('Score: $score'); tp.paint(canvas, const Offset(10, 10));

However, you probably want to use the render method which already takes the anchor into consideration. That way, you don't need to perform the math for that yourself.


TextPainter toTextPainter(String text) {
  if (!_textPainterCache.containsKey(text)) {
    final tp = TextPainter(
      text: TextSpan(text: text, style: style),
      textDirection: textDirection,
    _textPainterCache.setValue(text, tp);
  return _textPainterCache.getValue(text)!;