SpawnComponent constructor

  1. required PositionComponent factory(
    1. int amount
  2. required double period,
  3. Shape? area,
  4. bool within = true,
  5. bool selfPositioning = false,
  6. bool autoStart = true,
  7. bool spawnWhenLoaded = false,
  8. Random? random,
  9. ComponentKey? key,

The SpawnComponent is a non-visual component which can spawn PositionComponents randomly within a set area. If area is not set it will use the size of the nearest ancestor that provides a size. period will set the static time interval for when it will spawn new components. If you want to use a non static time interval, use the SpawnComponent.periodRange constructor. If you want to set the position of the spawned components yourself inside of the factory, set selfPositioning to true.


  required this.factory,
  required double period,
  this.within = true,
  this.selfPositioning = false,
  this.autoStart = true,
  this.spawnWhenLoaded = false,
  Random? random,
})  : assert(
        !(selfPositioning && area != null),
        "Don't set an area when you are using selfPositioning=true",
      _period = period,
      _random = random ?? randomFallback;