NotifyingVector2 class

Extension of the standard Vector2 class, implementing the ChangeNotifier functionality. This allows any interested party to be notified when the value of this vector changes.

This class can be used as a regular Vector2 class. However, if you do subscribe to notifications, don't forget to eventually unsubscribe in order to avoid resource leaks.

Direct modification of this vector's storage is not allowed.

Mixed-in types
Available extensions


g double
getter/setter pairinherited
gg Vector2
no setterinherited
ggg Vector3
no setterinherited
gggg Vector4
no setterinherited
gggr Vector4
no setterinherited
ggr Vector3
no setterinherited
ggrg Vector4
no setterinherited
ggrr Vector4
no setterinherited
gr Vector2
getter/setter pairinherited
grg Vector3
no setterinherited
grgg Vector4
no setterinherited
grgr Vector4
no setterinherited
grr Vector3
no setterinherited
grrg Vector4
no setterinherited
grrr Vector4
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
Whether any listeners are currently registered.
no setterinherited
isInfinite bool
True if any component is infinite.
no setterinherited
isNaN bool
True if any component is NaN.
no setterinherited
length double
getter/setter pairinherited-getteroverride-setter
length2 double
Length squared.
no setterinherited
r double
getter/setter pairinherited
rg Vector2
getter/setter pairinherited
rgg Vector3
no setterinherited
rggg Vector4
no setterinherited
rggr Vector4
no setterinherited
rgr Vector3
no setterinherited
rgrg Vector4
no setterinherited
rgrr Vector4
no setterinherited
rr Vector2
no setterinherited
rrg Vector3
no setterinherited
rrgg Vector4
no setterinherited
rrgr Vector4
no setterinherited
rrr Vector3
no setterinherited
rrrg Vector4
no setterinherited
rrrr Vector4
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
s double
getter/setter pairinherited
ss Vector2
no setterinherited
sss Vector3
no setterinherited
ssss Vector4
no setterinherited
ssst Vector4
no setterinherited
sst Vector3
no setterinherited
ssts Vector4
no setterinherited
sstt Vector4
no setterinherited
st Vector2
getter/setter pairinherited
storage Float64List
The components of the vector.
no setteroverride
sts Vector3
no setterinherited
stss Vector4
no setterinherited
stst Vector4
no setterinherited
stt Vector3
no setterinherited
stts Vector4
no setterinherited
sttt Vector4
no setterinherited
t double
getter/setter pairinherited
ts Vector2
getter/setter pairinherited
tss Vector3
no setterinherited
tsss Vector4
no setterinherited
tsst Vector4
no setterinherited
tst Vector3
no setterinherited
tsts Vector4
no setterinherited
tstt Vector4
no setterinherited
tt Vector2
no setterinherited
tts Vector3
no setterinherited
ttss Vector4
no setterinherited
ttst Vector4
no setterinherited
ttt Vector3
no setterinherited
ttts Vector4
no setterinherited
tttt Vector4
no setterinherited
x double
getter/setter pairinherited-getteroverride-setter
xx Vector2
no setterinherited
xxx Vector3
no setterinherited
xxxx Vector4
no setterinherited
xxxy Vector4
no setterinherited
xxy Vector3
no setterinherited
xxyx Vector4
no setterinherited
xxyy Vector4
no setterinherited
xy Vector2
getter/setter pairinherited-getteroverride-setter
xyx Vector3
no setterinherited
xyxx Vector4
no setterinherited
xyxy Vector4
no setterinherited
xyy Vector3
no setterinherited
xyyx Vector4
no setterinherited
xyyy Vector4
no setterinherited
y double
getter/setter pairinherited-getteroverride-setter
yx Vector2
getter/setter pairinherited-getteroverride-setter
yxx Vector3
no setterinherited
yxxx Vector4
no setterinherited
yxxy Vector4
no setterinherited
yxy Vector3
no setterinherited
yxyx Vector4
no setterinherited
yxyy Vector4
no setterinherited
yy Vector2
no setterinherited
yyx Vector3
no setterinherited
yyxx Vector4
no setterinherited
yyxy Vector4
no setterinherited
yyy Vector3
no setterinherited
yyyx Vector4
no setterinherited
yyyy Vector4
no setterinherited


absolute() → void
Absolute value.
absoluteError(Vector2 correct) double
Absolute error between this and correct
add(Vector2 arg) → void
Add arg to this.
addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Register a closure to be called when the object changes.
addScaled(Vector2 arg, double factor) → void
Add arg scaled by factor to this.
angleTo(Vector2 other) double
Returns the angle between this vector and other in radians.
angleToSigned(Vector2 other) double
Returns the signed angle between this and other in radians.
ceil() → void
Ceil entries in this.
clamp(Vector2 min, Vector2 max) → void
Clamp each entry n in this in the range [minn]-[maxn].
clamp(Vector2 min, Vector2 max) → void

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Clamps this vector so that it is within or equals to the bounds defined by min and max.
clampLength(double min, double max) → void

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Clamps the length of this vector.
clampScalar(double min, double max) → void
Clamp entries this in the range min-max.
clone() Vector2
Clone of this.
copyFromArray(List<double> array, [int offset = 0]) → void
Copies elements from array into this starting at offset.
copyInto(Vector2 arg) Vector2
Copy this into arg. Returns arg.
copyIntoArray(List<double> array, [int offset = 0]) → void
Copies this into array starting at offset.
cross(Vector2 other) double
Cross product.
dispose() → void
Discards any resources used by the object. After this is called, the object is not in a usable state and should be discarded (calls to addListener will throw after the object is disposed).
distanceTo(Vector2 arg) double
Distance from this to arg
distanceToSquared(Vector2 arg) double
Squared distance from this to arg
divide(Vector2 arg) → void
Divide entries in this with entries in arg.
dot(Vector2 other) double
Inner product.
floor() → void
Floor entries in this.
invert() → void

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Inverts the vector.
inverted() Vector2

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Returns the inverse of this vector.
isIdentity() bool

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Whether the Vector2 is the identity vector or not
isZero() bool

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Whether the Vector2 is the zero vector or not
lerp(Vector2 to, double t) → void

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Linearly interpolate towards another Vector2
moveToTarget(Vector2 target, double ds) → void

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Smoothly moves this Vector2 in the direction target by a displacement given by a distance ds in that direction.
multiply(Vector2 arg) → void
Multiply entries in this with entries in arg.
negate() → void
normalize() double
Normalize this.
normalized() Vector2
Normalized copy of this.
normalizeInto(Vector2 out) Vector2
Normalize vector into out.
normalizeLength() double
Normalize this. Returns length of vector before normalization. DEPRECATED: Use normalize.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners() → void
Call all the registered listeners.
postmultiply(Matrix2 arg) → void
Transforms this into the product of this as a row vector, postmultiplied by matrix, arg. If arg is a rotation matrix, this is a computational shortcut for applying, the inverse of the transformation.
projection(Vector2 other, {Vector2? out}) Vector2

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Project this onto other.
reflect(Vector2 normal) → void
Reflect this.
reflected(Vector2 normal) Vector2
Reflected copy of this.
relativeError(Vector2 correct) double
Relative error between this and correct
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are notified when the object changes.
rotate(double angle, {Vector2? center}) → void

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Rotates the Vector2 with angle in radians rotates around center if it is defined In a screen coordinate system (where the y-axis is flipped) it rotates in a clockwise fashion In a normal coordinate system it rotates in a counter-clockwise fashion
round() → void
Round entries in this.
roundToZero() → void
Round entries in this towards zero.
scale(double arg) → void
Scale this by arg.
scaled(double arg) Vector2
Return a copy of this scaled by arg.
scaleOrthogonalInto(double scale, Vector2 out) Vector2
Rotate this by 90 degrees then scale it. Store result in out. Return out.
scaleTo(double newLength) → void

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Changes the length of the vector to the length provided, without changing direction.
screenAngle() double

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Signed angle in a coordinate system where the Y-axis is flipped.
setAll(double value) → void

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Sets both x and y to value.
setFrom(Vector2 other) → void
Set the values by copying them from other.
setValues(double x_, double y_) → void
Set the values of the vector.
setZero() → void
Zero the vector.
splat(double arg) → void
Splat arg into all lanes of the vector.
sub(Vector2 arg) → void
Subtract arg from this.
taxicabDistanceTo(Vector2 other) double

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Distance to other vector, using the taxicab (L1) geometry.
toOffset() Offset

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Creates an Offset from the Vector2
toPoint() Point<num>

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Creates a Point from the Vector2
toPositionedRect(Vector2 size) Rect

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Creates a Rect starting from (x, y) and having the size of the argument Vector2
toRect() Rect

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Creates a Rect starting in origin and going the Vector2
toSize() Size

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Creates a Size from the Vector2
toString() String
Returns a printable string
toStringWithMaxPrecision(int maxPrecision) String

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Stringifies the Vector2 with a maximum precision of maxPrecision.
translate(double x, double y) → void

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Translates this Vector2 by x and y.
translated(double x, double y) Vector2

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

Creates a new Vector2 that is the current Vector2 translated by x and y.


operator %(Vector2 mod) Vector2

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

operator &(Vector2 size) Rect

Available on Vector2, provided by the Vector2Extension extension

A rectangle constructor operator.
operator *(double scale) Vector2
operator +(Vector2 other) Vector2
Add two vectors.
operator -(Vector2 other) Vector2
Subtract two vectors.
operator /(double scale) Vector2
operator ==(Object other) bool
Check if two vectors are the same.
operator [](int i) double
Access the component of the vector at the index i.
operator []=(int i, double v) → void
Set the component of the vector at the index i.
operator unary-() Vector2