containsPoint method
Returns true if the given point
is inside the shape or on the boundary.
bool containsPoint(Vector2 point) {
if (!aabb.intersectsWithVector2(point)) {
return false;
final n = _vertices.length;
if (isConvex) {
// For a convex polygon, a point is inside if for each edge the cross-
// product of that edge and a vector from the edge's origin to the point
// is positive or zero.
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if ((point - _vertices[i]).cross(_edges[i]) < 0) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
// For a non-convex polygon, we can verify that a point is inside using
// the winding theorem: if a point is inside, then any ray coming out of
// that point will intersect the polygon an odd number of times. If the
// point is outside, the number of intersections will be even.
// In this case we choose a horizontal ray that starts at `point` and
// goes towards +∞.
final x0 = point.x;
final y0 = point.y;
var intersectionCount = 0;
var j = n - 1; // index of previous vertex
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
final vi = _vertices[i];
final vj = _vertices[j];
if (vi.x == x0 && vi.y == y0) {
return true;
if ((vi.y == y0 && vi.x > x0) ||
(vj.y == y0 && vj.x > x0) ||
(vi.y > y0) != (vj.y > y0) &&
((y0 - vj.y) * (vi.x - vj.x) / (vi.y - vj.y) >= (x0 - vj.x))) {
j = i;
return intersectionCount.isOdd;