CameraComponent.withFixedResolution constructor

  1. required double width,
  2. required double height,
  3. World? world,
  4. Viewfinder? viewfinder,
  5. Component? backdrop,
  6. List<Component>? hudComponents,
  7. ComponentKey? key,

Create a camera that shows a portion of the game world of fixed size width x height.

The viewport will be centered within the canvas, expanding as much as possible on all sides while maintaining the width:height aspect ratio. The zoom level will be set such in such a way that exactly width x height pixels are visible within the viewport. The viewfinder will be initially set up to show world coordinates (0, 0) at the center of the viewport.


  required double width,
  required double height,
  World? world,
  Viewfinder? viewfinder,
  Component? backdrop,
  List<Component>? hudComponents,
  ComponentKey? key,
}) : this(
        world: world,
        viewport: FixedResolutionViewport(resolution: Vector2(width, height)),
        viewfinder: viewfinder ?? Viewfinder(),
        backdrop: backdrop,
        hudComponents: hudComponents,
        key: key,