ExtendedStatefulWidget class abstract

Available extensions


ExtendedStatefulWidget({Key? key, ValueCallback<BuildContext>? initState, ValueCallback<BuildContext>? didChangeDependencies, ValueCallback<BuildContext>? didUpdateWidget, ValueCallback<BuildContext>? deactivate, ValueCallback<BuildContext>? dispose})


deactivate ValueCallback<BuildContext>?
didChangeDependencies ValueCallback<BuildContext>?
didUpdateWidget ValueCallback<BuildContext>?
dispose ValueCallback<BuildContext>?
expand SizedBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

no setter
expanded Expanded

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
initState ValueCallback<BuildContext>?
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shrink SizedBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

no setter
toLoadingBuilder LoadingBuilder

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

no setter
toRoutePageBuilder RoutePageBuilder

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

no setter
toRouteTransitionsBuilder RouteTransitionsBuilder

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

no setter
toSliverBox Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

no setter
toToastBuilder ToastBuilder

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

no setter
toWidgetBuilder WidgetBuilder

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

no setter


align({Key? key, Alignment alignment = Alignment.center, double? widthFactor, double? heightFactor}) Align

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

backdropFilter({Key? key, ImageFilter? filter, double fuzzyDegree = 4}) BackdropFilter

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

card({Color? color, Color? shadowColor, double? elevation, ShapeBorder? shape, bool? borderOnForeground, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, Clip? clipBehavior, bool? semanticContainer}) Card

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

center({Key? key, double? widthFactor, double? heightFactor}) Center

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

clipOval({Key? key, BorderRadius borderRadius = BorderRadius.zero, CustomClipper<Rect>? clipper, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias}) ClipOval

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

clipPath({Key? key, BorderRadius borderRadius = BorderRadius.zero, CustomClipper<Path>? clipper, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias}) ClipPath

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

clipRRect({Key? key, BorderRadius borderRadius = BorderRadius.zero, CustomClipper<RRect>? clipper, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias}) ClipRRect

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

color(Color color, {Key? key}) ColoredBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

constrainedBox(BoxConstraints constraints, {Key? key}) ConstrainedBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

container({Key? key, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, Decoration? foregroundDecoration, Matrix4? transform, BoxConstraints? constraints, Color? color, double? width, double? height, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, Decoration? decoration, Clip? clipBehavior, AlignmentGeometry? alignment}) Container

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

createElement() StatefulElement
Creates a StatefulElement to manage this widget's location in the tree.
createState() State<StatefulWidget>
Creates the mutable state for this widget at a given location in the tree.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
decoratedBox(Decoration decoration, {Key? key, DecorationPosition position = DecorationPosition.background}) DecoratedBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

fittedBox({Key? key, BoxFit fit = BoxFit.contain, AlignmentGeometry alignment = Alignment.center, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none}) FittedBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

flexible({Key? key, int flex = 1, FlexFit fit = FlexFit.loose}) Flexible

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

fromSize(Size size, {Key? key}) SizedBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

gestureDetector({Key? key, GestureTapDownCallback? onTapDown, GestureTapUpCallback? onTapUp, GestureTapCallback? onTap, GestureTapCancelCallback? onTapCancel, GestureTapDownCallback? onSecondaryTapDown, GestureTapUpCallback? onSecondaryTapUp, GestureTapCancelCallback? onSecondaryTapCancel, GestureTapCallback? onDoubleTap, GestureLongPressCallback? onLongPress, GestureLongPressStartCallback? onLongPressStart, GestureLongPressMoveUpdateCallback? onLongPressMoveUpdate, GestureLongPressUpCallback? onLongPressUp, GestureLongPressEndCallback? onLongPressEnd, GestureDragDownCallback? onVerticalDragDown, GestureDragStartCallback? onVerticalDragStart, GestureDragUpdateCallback? onVerticalDragUpdate, GestureDragEndCallback? onVerticalDragEnd, GestureDragCancelCallback? onVerticalDragCancel, GestureDragDownCallback? onHorizontalDragDown, GestureDragStartCallback? onHorizontalDragStart, GestureDragUpdateCallback? onHorizontalDragUpdate, GestureDragEndCallback? onHorizontalDragEnd, GestureDragCancelCallback? onHorizontalDragCancel, GestureForcePressStartCallback? onForcePressStart, GestureForcePressPeakCallback? onForcePressPeak, GestureForcePressUpdateCallback? onForcePressUpdate, GestureForcePressEndCallback? onForcePressEnd, GestureDragDownCallback? onPanDown, GestureDragStartCallback? onPanStart, GestureDragUpdateCallback? onPanUpdate, GestureDragEndCallback? onPanEnd, GestureDragCancelCallback? onPanCancel, GestureScaleStartCallback? onScaleStart, GestureScaleUpdateCallback? onScaleUpdate, GestureScaleEndCallback? onScaleEnd, HitTestBehavior? behavior, bool excludeFromSemantics = false, DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start}) GestureDetector

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

hero(Object tag, {Key? key, CreateRectTween? createRectTween, HeroFlightShuttleBuilder? flightShuttleBuilder, HeroPlaceholderBuilder? placeholderBuilder, bool transitionOnUserGestures = false}) Hero

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

limitedBox({Key? key, double maxWidth = double.infinity, double maxHeight = double.infinity}) LimitedBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

margin(EdgeInsetsGeometry margin, {Key? key}) Padding

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

marginAll(double margin) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

marginOnly({double left = 0.0, double top = 0.0, double right = 0.0, double bottom = 0.0}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

marginSymmetric({double horizontal = 0.0, double vertical = 0.0}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
offstage(bool offstage, {Key? key}) Offstage

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

onDoubleTap(GestureTapCallback onDoubleTap, {Key? key}) GestureDetector

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

onLongPress(GestureLongPressCallback onLongPress, {Key? key}) GestureDetector

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

onTap(GestureTapCallback? onTap, {Key? key}) GestureDetector

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

overflowBox({Key? key, Alignment alignment = Alignment.center, double? minWidth, double? maxWidth, double? minHeight, double? maxHeight}) OverflowBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

padding(EdgeInsetsGeometry padding) Padding

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

paddingAll(double padding) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

paddingOnly({double left = 0.0, double top = 0.0, double right = 0.0, double bottom = 0.0}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

paddingSymmetric({double horizontal = 0.0, double vertical = 0.0}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

popupBottomSheet<T>({WidgetBuilder? builder, BottomSheetOptions? options}) Future<T?>

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidgetMethod extension

showModalBottomSheet 关闭 closePopup()
popupCupertinoDialog<T>({WidgetBuilder? builder, DialogOptions? options}) Future<T?>

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidgetMethod extension

Cupertino 风格的 Dialog showCupertinoDialog
popupCupertinoModal<T>({WidgetBuilder? builder, CupertinoModalPopupOptions? options}) Future<T?>

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidgetMethod extension

全屏显示 showCupertinoModalPopup
popupDialog<T>({RoutePageBuilder? builder, DialogOptions? options}) Future<T?>

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidgetMethod extension

popupMaterialDialog<T>({WidgetBuilder? builder, DialogOptions? options}) Future<T?>

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidgetMethod extension

Material 风格的 Dialog showDialog
positioned({Key? key, double? left, double? top, double? right, double? bottom, double? width, double? height}) Positioned

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

push<T extends Object?>(Widget widget, {PageRouteOptions options = const PageRouteOptions.material()}) Future<T?>

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidgetMethod extension

pushAndRemoveUntil<T extends Object?>(Widget widget, {PageRouteOptions options = const PageRouteOptions.material(), required RoutePredicate predicate}) Future<T?>

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidgetMethod extension

pushReplacement<T extends Object?, TO extends Object?>(Widget widget, {PageRouteOptions options = const PageRouteOptions.material(), TO? result}) Future<T?>

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidgetMethod extension

rotatedBox(int quarterTurns, {Key? key}) RotatedBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

setHeight(double height, {Key? key}) SizedBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

setPreferredHeight(double height, {Key? key}) PreferredSize

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

setPreferredSize(Size size, {Key? key}) PreferredSize

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

setPreferredWidth(double width, {Key? key}) PreferredSize

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

setSize(Size size, {Key? key}) SizedBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

setWidth(double width, {Key? key}) SizedBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

showOverlay({bool autoOff = false}) ExtendedOverlayEntry?

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidgetMethod extension

sizedBox({Key? key, double? width, double? height}) SizedBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

sizedOverflowBox(Size size, {Key? key, Alignment alignment = Alignment.center}) SizedOverflowBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

statusBarStyle(SystemUiOverlayStyle style) AnnotatedRegion<SystemUiOverlayStyle>

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.info}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug, int wrapWidth = 65}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.
unconstrainedBox({Key? key, TextDirection? textDirection, Alignment alignment = Alignment.center, Axis? constrainedAxis}) UnconstrainedBox

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension

visibility(bool visible, {Key? key}) Visibility

Available on Widget, provided by the ExtensionWidget extension


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.