ExtensionContextWithMediaQuery extension



accessibleNavigation bool
accessibleNavigation → bool 用户是否使用TalkBack或VoiceOver等辅助功能服务与应用程序进行交互。
no setter
boldText bool
alwaysUse24HourFormat → bool 格式化时间时是否使用24小时格式。
no setter
bottomNavigationBarHeight double
no setter
deviceHeight double
no setter
devicePixelRatio double
devicePixelRatio → double 单位逻辑像素的设备像素数量,即设备像素比。这个数字可能不是2的幂,实际上它甚至也可能不是整数。例如,Nexus 6的设备像素比为3.5。
no setter
deviceSize Size
size → Size 设备尺寸信息,如屏幕的大小,单位 pixels
no setter
deviceWidth double
no setter
disableAnimations bool
disableAnimations → bool 平台是否要求尽可能禁用或减少使用动画。
no setter
height double
The same of MediaQuery.of(context).size.height Note: updates when you rezise your screen (like on a browser or desktop window)
no setter
heightPixel double
no setter
invertColors bool
invertColors → bool 设备是否反转平台的颜色
no setter
isLandscape bool
check if device is on landscape mode
no setter
isLargeTablet bool
True if the shortestSide is largest than 720p
no setter
isPhone bool
True if the shortestSide is smaller than 600p
no setter
isPortrait bool
check if device is on portrait mode
no setter
isSmallTablet bool
True if the shortestSide is largest than 600p
no setter
isTablet bool
True if the current device is Tablet
no setter
mediaQuery MediaQueryData
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).padding
no setter
mediaQueryShortestSide double
get the shortestSide from screen
no setter
mediaQuerySize Size
The same of MediaQuery.of(context).size
no setter
orientation Orientation
orientation → Orientation 屏幕方向(横向/纵向)
no setter
padding EdgeInsets
padding → EdgeInsets 显示器的部分被系统UI部分遮挡,通常由硬件显示“凹槽”或系统状态栏
no setter
platformBrightness Brightness
platformBrightness → Brightness 当前的亮度模式
no setter
showNavBar bool
True if width be larger than 800
no setter
statusBarHeight double
no setter
viewInsets EdgeInsets
viewInsets → EdgeInsets 显示器的各个部分完全被系统UI遮挡,通常是设备的键盘
no setter
viewPadding EdgeInsets
viewPadding → EdgeInsets 显示器的部分被系统UI部分遮挡,通常由硬件显示“凹槽”或系统状态栏
no setter
width double
The same of MediaQuery.of(context).size.width Note: updates when you rezise your screen (like on a browser or desktop window)
no setter
widthPixel double
no setter