toExtensionAssetEntity<T> method
to ExtendedAssetEntity and renovate AssetEntity;
Future<ExtendedAssetEntity> toExtensionAssetEntity<T>(
{FlAssetFileRenovate<T>? renovate}) async {
T? renovated;
if (renovate != null) renovated = await;
final fileAsync = await file;
final thumbnailData = await this.thumbnailData;
return ExtendedAssetEntity<T>(
thumbnailDataAsync: thumbnailData,
fileAsync: fileAsync,
renovated: renovated,
id: id,
typeInt: typeInt,
width: width,
height: height,
duration: duration,
orientation: orientation,
isFavorite: isFavorite,
title: title,
createDateSecond: createDateSecond,
modifiedDateSecond: modifiedDateSecond,
relativePath: relativePath,
latitude: latitude,
longitude: longitude,
mimeType: mimeType,
subtype: subtype);