appBar method

  1. @override
AssetPickerAppBar appBar(
  1. BuildContext context

Custom app bar for the picker. 选择器自定义的顶栏


AssetPickerAppBar appBar(BuildContext context) {
  return AssetPickerAppBar(
    backgroundColor: theme.appBarTheme.backgroundColor,
    centerTitle: isAppleOS,
    title: Semantics(
      onTapHint: semanticsTextDelegate.sActionSwitchPathLabel,
      child: pathEntitySelector(context),
    leading: backButton(context),
    // Condition for displaying the confirm button:
    // - On Android, show if preview is enabled or if multi asset mode.
    //   If no preview and single asset mode, do not show confirm button,
    //   because any click on an asset selects it.
    // - On iOS and macOS, show nothing.
    actions: <Widget>[
      if (!isAppleOS && (isPreviewEnabled || !isSingleAssetMode))
    actionsPadding: const EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(end: 14),
    blurRadius: isAppleOS ? appleOSBlurRadius : 0,