buildFocusingPoint method
- required CameraValue cameraValue,
- required BoxConstraints constraints,
The area widget for the last exposure point that user manually set. 用户手动设置的曝光点的区域显示
Widget buildFocusingPoint({
required CameraValue cameraValue,
required BoxConstraints constraints,
}) {
Widget buildControls(double size, double height) {
const double verticalGap = 3;
final ExposureMode exposureMode = cameraValue.exposureMode;
final bool isLocked = exposureMode == ExposureMode.locked;
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
valueListenable: isFocusPointDisplays,
builder: (_, bool value, Widget? child) => AnimatedOpacity(
duration: _kDuration,
opacity: value ? 1 : 0,
child: child,
child: GestureDetector(
onTap: switchExposureMode,
child: SizedBox.fromSize(
size: Size.square(size),
child: Icon(
isLocked ? Icons.lock_rounded : Icons.lock_open_rounded,
size: size,
color: isLocked ? _lockedColor : null,
const SizedBox(height: verticalGap),
child: buildExposureSlider(
mode: exposureMode,
size: size,
height: height,
gap: verticalGap,
const SizedBox(height: verticalGap),
SizedBox.fromSize(size: Size.square(size)),
Widget buildFromPoint(Offset point) {
const double controllerWidth = 20;
final double pointWidth = constraints.maxWidth / 5;
final double exposureControlWidth =
pickerConfig.enableExposureControlOnPoint ? controllerWidth : 0;
final double width = pointWidth + exposureControlWidth + 2;
final bool shouldReverseLayout = point.dx > constraints.maxWidth / 4 * 3;
final double effectiveLeft = math.min(
constraints.maxWidth - width,
math.max(0, point.dx - width / 2),
final double effectiveTop = math.min(
constraints.maxHeight - pointWidth * 3,
math.max(0, point.dy - pointWidth * 3 / 2),
return Positioned(
left: effectiveLeft,
top: effectiveTop,
width: width,
height: pointWidth * 3,
child: ExcludeSemantics(
child: Row(
shouldReverseLayout ? TextDirection.rtl : TextDirection.ltr,
children: <Widget>[
key: ValueKey<int>(,
size: pointWidth,
color: theme.iconTheme.color!,
if (pickerConfig.enableExposureControlOnPoint)
const SizedBox(width: 2),
if (pickerConfig.enableExposureControlOnPoint)
size: Size(exposureControlWidth, pointWidth * 3),
child: buildControls(controllerWidth, pointWidth * 3),
return ValueListenableBuilder<Offset?>(
valueListenable: lastExposurePoint,
builder: (_, Offset? point, __) {
if (point == null) {
return const SizedBox.shrink();
return buildFromPoint(point);