FlAMapLocationAuthorizationChanged typedef

FlAMapLocationAuthorizationChanged = void Function(int? status)

User has not yet made a choice with regards to this application case notDetermined = 0

This application is not authorized to use location services. Due to active restrictions on location services, the user cannot change this status, and may not have personally denied authorization case restricted = 1

User has explicitly denied authorization for this application, or location services are disabled in Settings. case denied = 2

User has granted authorization to use their location at any time. Your app may be launched into the background by monitoring APIs such as visit monitoring, region monitoring, and significant location change monitoring. This value should be used on iOS, tvOS and watchOS. It is available on MacOS, but kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorized is synonymous and preferred. case authorizedAlways = 3

User has granted authorization to use their location only while they are using your app. Note: You can reflect the user's continued engagement with your app using -allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates. This value is not available on MacOS. It should be used on iOS, tvOS and watchOS. case authorizedWhenInUse = 4


typedef FlAMapLocationAuthorizationChanged = void Function(int? status);