encode method
- dynamic arrangement
Given an arrangement of pieces, returns the starting position's ID.
@see {@link https://chess960frc.blogspot.com/2010/11/calculate-sp-numbers-in-your-head.html}
@param {string[]|string} arrangement A starting position's arrangement
@returns {number} The starting position's ID, or -1
if invalid arrangement
dynamic encode(arrangement) {
if (!FischerRandomValidators().isValidArrangement(arrangement)) return -1;
List<String> arrng = [];
if (arrangement is String) {
arrng = arrangement.runes.map((e) => String.fromCharCode(e).toString()).toList();
} else {
arrng = arrangement;
int id = 0;
// Add value for the sequence of K, R, N
String sequence = arrng.where((piece) => 'KRN'.contains(piece)).join('');
id += KRN_TABLE.indexOf(sequence) * 96;
// Add value for the position of the queen within K, R, N, Q
id += ((arrng.where((piece) => 'KRNQ'.contains(piece)).toList().indexOf('Q')) * 16).toInt();
// Add value for the combined positions of the bishops
int firstB = arrng.indexOf('B');
int secondB = arrng.lastIndexOf('B');
id += BISHOP_TABLE.indexOf(firstB + secondB);
return (id < 0 ? -1 : id);