listenToDocument<T> method

StreamSubscription<DocumentSnapshot<Object?>> listenToDocument<T>(
  1. List<String> paths, {
  2. required String logReference,
  3. required ValueSetter<DocumentSnapshot<Object?>> onDocumentChange,

Listening for the stream of DocumentSnapshot from Firestore. In case of any changes - onDocumentChange will get fired.

paths is the list of paths to the document. For example: myCollection, documentId which will be constructed to myCollection/documentId. logReference is some string for logging purpose. onDocumentChange is a ValueSetter which will return object that was changed within that particular stream.


StreamSubscription<DocumentSnapshot> listenToDocument<T>(
  List<String> paths, {
  required String logReference,
  required ValueSetter<DocumentSnapshot> onDocumentChange,
}) {
  final pathToDocument = getPathToDocument(paths);
  final streamSubscription = _firebaseFirestore.doc(pathToDocument).snapshots().listen((documentSnapshot) {
    _loggingService.log('FirestoreHelper.listenToDocument.$logReference: New event. Path: $pathToDocument');

  return streamSubscription;