FirebaseFirestoreFake class

An empty shell of a FirebaseFirestore that can be used for testing or creating an app that does not require a real connection to Firestore

The Stateful version of this class maintains its own state and aims to mimic Firestore, while the Stateless version allows you to compose the functionality and store the state outside of the class.

You can use this as a mock or a fake. If you want to use this as a mock, avoid the Stateful constructors, and return the expected values by passing them through the constructor

Implemented types
  • FirebasePluginPlatform


FirebaseFirestoreFake({CollectionReference<Map<String, dynamic>> collection(String name)?})
FirebaseFirestoreFake.stateful({Map<String, CollectionReferenceFake>? collections, void onCollectionChanged(String path, Map<String, DocumentReferenceFake> collectionDocuments, List<QueryFakeAndStreamController> queries)?})
Creates a stateful FirebaseFirestore fake that maintains its own state and aims to mimic firebase as closely as possible


app ↔ FirebaseApp
The FirebaseApp for this current FirebaseFirestore instance.
getter/setter pairoverride
databaseId String
Firestore Database ID for this instance. Falls back to default database: "(default)"
getter/setter pairinherited
databaseURL String
Firestore Database ID for this instance. Falls back to default database: "(default)" This is deprecated in favor of databaseId.
getter/setter pairinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
pluginConstants Map
Returns any plugin constants this plugin app instance has initialized.
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
settings ↔ Settings
The current Settings for this FirebaseFirestore instance.
getter/setter pairoverride


batch() → WriteBatch
Returns a WriteBatch, used for performing multiple writes as a single atomic operation.
clearPersistence() Future<void>
Clears any persisted data for the current instance.
collection(String collectionPath) → CollectionReference<Map<String, dynamic>>
Gets a CollectionReference for the specified Firestore path.
collectionGroup(String collectionPath) → Query<Map<String, dynamic>>
Gets a Query for the specified collection group.
disableNetwork() Future<void>
Instructs FirebaseFirestore to disable the network for the instance.
doc(String documentPath) → DocumentReference<Map<String, dynamic>>
Gets a DocumentReference for the specified Firestore path.
enableNetwork() Future<void>
Enables the network for this instance. Any pending local-only writes will be written to the remote servers.
enablePersistence([PersistenceSettings? persistenceSettings]) Future<void>
Enable persistence of Firestore data for web-only. Use Settings.persistenceEnabled for non-web platforms. If enablePersistence() is not called, it defaults to Memory cache. If enablePersistence(const PersistenceSettings(synchronizeTabs: false)) is called, it persists data for a single browser tab. If enablePersistence(const PersistenceSettings(synchronizeTabs: true)) is called, it persists data across multiple browser tabs.
loadBundle(Uint8List bundle) → LoadBundleTask
namedQueryGet(String name, {GetOptions options = const GetOptions()}) Future<QuerySnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Reads a QuerySnapshot if a namedQuery has been retrieved and passed as a Buffer to loadBundle(). To read from cache, pass GetOptions.source value as Source.cache. To read from the Firestore backend, use GetOptions.source as Source.server.
namedQueryWithConverterGet<T>(String name, {GetOptions options = const GetOptions(), required FromFirestore<T> fromFirestore, required ToFirestore<T> toFirestore}) Future<QuerySnapshot<T>>
Performs a namedQueryGet and decode the result using Query.withConverter.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
runTransaction<T>(TransactionHandler<T> transactionHandler, {Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 30), int maxAttempts = 5}) Future<T>
Executes the given TransactionHandler and then attempts to commit the changes applied within an atomic transaction.
setIndexConfiguration({required List<Index> indexes, List<FieldOverrides>? fieldOverrides}) Future<void>
Configures indexing for local query execution. Any previous index configuration is overridden.
setIndexConfigurationFromJSON(String json) Future<void>
Configures indexing for local query execution. Any previous index configuration is overridden.
snapshotsInSync() Stream<void>
Returns a Stream which is called each time all of the active listeners have been synchronized.
terminate() Future<void>
Terminates this FirebaseFirestore instance.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
useFirestoreEmulator(String host, int port, {bool sslEnabled = false}) → void
Changes this instance to point to a FirebaseFirestore emulator running locally.
waitForPendingWrites() Future<void>
Waits until all currently pending writes for the active user have been acknowledged by the backend.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.