
Pub Star on Github style: effective dart License: MIT


The goal of this package is to make it easy to interact with Cloud Firestore database. The firefuel community aims to always make this package simple, intuitive, and consistent. firefuel wraps the cloud_firestore plugin, and provides conventions to help jump-start your development.

Still not convinced? See our documentation on why we thing you should choose firefuel


firefuel focuses on simplifying the edge of your data layer, meaning this package pairs well with all ui, state management, model generation, and injection packages.

Getting Started

Simply add the latest version of firefuel as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. Import package:firefuel/firefuel.dart into your entry point (often main.dart). Then, initialize firefuel using the Firefuel.initialize(FirebaseFirestore.instance); before calling runApp.

Read the full walkthrough in our docs.

Quick Start

Choose a collection from your Firestore db and create a class to model your document. For this example let's assume you have a collection of users with a username, first name, last name, and favorite color.

Each model needs to extend Serializable so firefuel is able to automatically convert the model to JSON. We'll also want to add a fromJson method that we'll use to convert it from json into an instance of the model.

Most of the time, when comparing two models of the same type, you want to know whether the two instances have identical values. However, by default, Dart will compare whether the instances reference the same object in memory. I suggest using the equatable package with your models to compare by value rather than by reference.

Create a Model

class User extends Serializable with EquatableMixin {
  const User({
    required this.docId,
    required this.favoriteColor,
    required this.username,

  factory User.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, String docId) {
    return User(
      docId: docId,
      favoriteColor: json[fieldFavoriteColor] as String,
      username: json[fieldUsername] as String,

  static const String fieldDocId = 'docId';
  static const String fieldFavoriteColor = 'favoriteColor';
  static const String fieldUsername = 'username';

  final String docId;
  final String favoriteColor;
  final String username;

  List<Object?> get props => [docId, username, favoriteColor];

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    return {
      fieldDocId: docId, // optionally add this to your document
      fieldFavoriteColor: favoriteColor,
      fieldUsername: username,

Create a Collection

class UserCollection extends FirefuelCollection<User> {
  UserCollection() : super(collectionName);

  static const collectionName = 'users';

  User? fromFirestore(
    DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>> snapshot,
    SnapshotOptions? options,
  ) {
    final data =;

    return data == null
        ? null
        : User.fromJson(!,;

  Map<String, Object?> toFirestore(User? model, SetOptions? options) {
    return model?.toJson() ?? <String, Object?>{};

Code Generation

Powered by Mason

You can write out the above classes manually or generate them using the Mason CLI

See the docs for more information: firefuel brick


That's it! Now you can access your data through the UserCollection with any of the following methods.

Related Links

Follow the official walkthrough on Medium

See the firefuel documentation to learn the core concepts of using firefuel.

Issues and feedback

Please file all firefuel specific issues, bugs, or feature requests in our issue tracker

Please file FlutterFire specific issues, bugs, or feature requests in their issue tracker.

Plugin issues that are not specific to FlutterFire can be filed in the Flutter issue tracker.


The maintainers for firefuel are Jonah Walker and Morgan Hunt

Logo Creator

Our logo was created by Shawn Meek

