uploadFrom method
Call this if method of uploading (like, from camera) is already known.
can be SourceType.photoGallery, SourceType.photoCamera,
SourceType.videoGallery, SourceType.videoCamera, SourceType.file
may return null if source
is invalid.
Future<String?> uploadFrom({
required BuildContext context,
required ImageSource? source,
Function(double)? progress,
Function? complete,
int compressQuality = 80,
String? saveAs,
String? type,
double maxHeight = 1024,
double maxWidth = 1024,
}) async {
if (source == null) return null;
String? path = await getFilePathFromPicker(
context: context,
source: source,
maxHeight: maxHeight,
maxWidth: maxWidth,
if (path == null) return null;
return await uploadFile(
path: path,
saveAs: saveAs,
progress: progress,
complete: complete,
compressQuality: compressQuality,
type: type,