loginOrRegister function

Future<({bool register, User user})> loginOrRegister({
  1. required String email,
  2. required String password,
  3. String? photoUrl,
  4. String? displayName,

Login or register

Creates a user account if it's not existing.

email is the email of the user.

password is the password of the user.

photoUrl is the photo url of the user. If it's null, then it will be the default photo url.

displayName is the display name of the user. If it's null, then it will be the same as the email. You can put empty string if you want to save it an empty stirng.

Logic: Try to login with email and password. -> If it's successful, return the user. -> If it fails, create a new user with email and password. -> If a new account is created, then update the user's display name and photo url. -> And return the user. -> If it's failed (to create a new user), throw an error.

final email = "${randomString()}@gmail.com";
final randomUser = await Test.loginOrRegister(
    displayName: email,
    email: email,
    photoUrl: 'https://picsum.photos/id/1/200/200'

Return the user object of firebase auth and whether the user is registered or not.


Future<({fb.User user, bool register})> loginOrRegister({
  required String email,
  required String password,
  String? photoUrl,
  String? displayName,
}) async {
  fb.UserCredential? cred;
  try {
    // login
    cred = await fb.FirebaseAuth.instance.signInWithEmailAndPassword(
      email: email,
      password: password,

    return (user: cred.user!, register: false);
  } catch (e) {
    // create
    cred = await fb.FirebaseAuth.instance
        .createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email: email, password: password);

    // update display name and photo url
    final user = cred.user!;
    final userModel = await User.get(user.uid);
    if (userModel == null) {
      final model = User.fromUid(user.uid);
      await model.update(
        displayName: displayName ?? email.split('@').first,
        photoUrl: photoUrl,

    return (user: user, register: true);