pageToken property

  1. @TagNumber(4)
String get pageToken

The next_page_token value returned from a previous call to PartitionQuery that may be used to get an additional set of results. There are no ordering guarantees between sets of results. Thus, using multiple sets of results will require merging the different result sets.

For example, two subsequent calls using a page_token may return:

  • cursor B, cursor M, cursor Q
  • cursor A, cursor U, cursor W

To obtain a complete result set ordered with respect to the results of the query supplied to PartitionQuery, the results sets should be merged: cursor A, cursor B, cursor M, cursor Q, cursor U, cursor W


$core.String get pageToken => $_getSZ(3);
  1. @TagNumber(4)
set pageToken (String v)


set pageToken($core.String v) {
  $_setString(3, v);